Order Management

Hazardous Classification Profile

This page is accessed via Order Management > Power Data > General > Hazardous Classification Profile.

A hazardous classification profile is a group of similar hazardous classifications. A hazardous classification profile can be used to apply surcharges, via accessorial rates, based on hazardous criteria.

Defining a Hazardous Classification Profile

  1. In the Hazardous Classification Profile ID field, enter a unique ID for this profile.
  2. Use the Compatible check box to indicate if the hazardous classifications assigned to the profile are included or excluded when the profile is used by planning.
  3. If desired, enter additional information about this profile in the Description field.

Hazardous Classification ID

  1. Assign as many Hazardous Classification IDs to it as necessary.
  2. Click Save for each hazardous classification ID added.
  3. Click Finished.

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