Business Process Automation

Out XML Profiles

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Integration > Out XML Profiles.

Out XML Profiles allow you to generate outbound XML and exclude portions of outbound XML with a high degree of control. This is done by specifying what XML builder class files should be excluded when generating XML documents or by selecting an XML template on which you can base the outbound XML. If you generate XML based on a template, you do not need to use most of the other fields on this page.

If you do not use a template to generate the XML, you can specify what XML builder class files should be excluded during generation by using the XPath. Since an XML document is built by specific XML builders, if those builders are excluded, so are the XML documents that they generate. The end result is faster transaction time since the builders do not generate as much XML. The more XML builder class files you exclude, the less XML you get, and the faster the XML is generated.

Adding an Out XML Profile

  1. Enter an Out XML Profile ID.
  2. Select a Domain Name from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a Default Mode from the drop-down list.
    • MAX indicates that all data will be placed in the XML file, with the exception of the elements specified in the XML path below.
    • MIN indicates that only the minimum required data will be placed in the XML. Any elements you specify in the XML path will be added to the XML files that is generated, in addition to the minimum elements.
  4. Select the Validate for Max check box only used if you have selected a default mode of MAX. When the check box is selected, it prevents required elements from accidentally being excluded.
  5. If you want to generate XML based on a template, enter a template in the XML Template ID field. Then select the Use Template check box.

    Note: If you generate XML using a template, then the rest of the fields on this page do not need to be filled out.

  6. Enter an Integration Preference ID. Outbound XML generated with this out XML profile will have UOM data as per the settings in this integration preference.
  7. Enter a Child XML Profile. You can establish a parent/child relationship with other out XML profiles by indicating child XML profiles. This only displays in New and Edit modes if the Use Template check box is not selected. Click Save for each record you define.
  8. From the Exclude XML Builder ID list, select the XML Builder ID that will exclude the desired XML elements you want omitted from your XML documents. Each XML Builder ID is responsible for generating specific XML documents. The names of the XML Builder ID's directly relate to the XML they are responsible for generating. For example, if you want to exclude TransOrder XML, then you would select the order.TransOrder XML Builder ID from the drop-down list. This only displays in New and Edit modes if the Use Template check box is not selected.
  9. Click Save for each record you define.

Note: Some understanding of the Oracle Transportation Management XML schema is required to effectively use this functionality.

Included/Excluded Xpath

  1. If you selected the Default Mode of MIN, indicate the XML elements that you want to add to the minimum amount that would be placed in the XML file. For example, when you choose MIN, only the required XML elements are included in the output XML. If you wanted to include the non-required element of Ship Unit Content, you would enter "Shipment/ShipUnit/ShipUnitContent" in the Included Xpath field.

    If you select MAX, the field is renamed to Excluded Xpath. Any XML element paths you indicate will be excluded from the generated XML files.

    This only displays in New and Edit modes if the Use Template check box is not selected.
  2. Click Save for each record you define.
  3. Click Finished.

Out XML Profiles can be associated with outbound shipment messages sent for tendering. To do this, assign an Out XML Profile to a Service Provider in the Service Provider Manager. Whatever XML is excluded in your Out XML Profile will be excluded from outbound shipment messages sent to that service provider.

Out XML Profiles can also be assigned to message sent to specific external systems. To do this, assign an Out XML Profile to a specific XML Element in the External System Manager. Whenever that XML element is sent to that external system, portions of the XML will be excluded based on what is defined in your Out XML Profile.

Outbound XML Profile Control for Job Interface

The Job interface introduces potential size issues as a result of the re-use/redundancy of the several elements (for example, shipment is located at Job.BuySide.Shipment, Job.BuySide.AllocationBase.Shipment, Job.BuySide.AllocationBase.Voucher.Shipment, Job.Billing.Shipment, etc.). To help alleviate this redundancy, the Outbound Profile functionality has been augmented to implement selection of the Shipment or ShipmentGid in the following places: AllocationBase, Voucher, and Billing. When the XML profile defined excludes the Shipment object in those places, the ShipmentGid is sent in its place. This enables further control of what is sent outbound.

Note: The Job interface has been assigned to the Out XML Profile GLOG_JOB.

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