Configuration and Administration


This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Power Data > General > Rules.

This page contains the rules that comprise rule sets. You probably will not want to add or edit rules, but you can use this page to view them.

To add a rule, you need to know how to enter the Java Class.

Rules and Descriptions


Rule Name

Rule Description


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Classification Code Rule

Compares the classification codes of trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Controls Rule

Compares the control codes of  two trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Dates Rule

Compares the dates of transaction of two trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Date Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field dates of two trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Number Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field numbers of two trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: Country of Origin Rule

Compares the country of origin of trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Aggregation: String Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field strings of two trade transaction lines during aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration line.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Dates Rule

Compares the dates of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Date Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field dates of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Number Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field numbers of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Ports Rule

Compares the ports of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping of transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Reference Numbers Rule

Compares the reference numbers of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Remarks Rule

Compares the remarks of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: String Flex Fields Rule

Compares the flex field strings of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line Grouping: Transport Mode Rule

Compares the transport mode of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line : Incoterm and Location Rule

Compares the Incoterm and location of transaction of two trade transaction lines during grouping/aggregation of the  transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line : Line Involved Party Rule

Compares the merged involved parties of two trade transaction lines and their respective transactions during grouping/aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line : Line Reference Numbers Rule

Compares the reference numbers of two trade transaction lines during grouping/aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration-Line : Line Remarks Rule

Compares the remarks of two trade transaction lines during grouping/aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration : User-Defined Category Rule

Compares the merged user-defined category, types, and codes of two trade transaction lines and their respective transactions during grouping/aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Declaration : User-Defined Type Rule

Compares the merged user-defined  types and codes of two trade transaction lines and their respective transactions during grouping/aggregation of the transaction lines to create a declaration.


Demurrage Contract No Rule

This rule ensures that the refnum value for refnum qualifier corresponding to contract number (defined by property glog.demurrageTransaction.refnumQual.contractNo) of every demurrage transaction is the same as the contract number on the demurrage rule. If there is no contract number on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all contract numbers.


Demurrage End Event Region Rule

This rule checks the compatibility of the end event location attributes on a demurrage transaction with the end event region on the demurrage rule. If there is no end region on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all locations.


Demurrage End Event SCAC Code Rule

This checks the compatibility of the end event SCAC code on demurrage transaction with end event SCAC code on the demurrage rule. If there is no start event code on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all demurrage transactions.


Demurrage Equipment Group Profile Rule

This checks the compatibility of the equipment attributes on demurrage transaction with equipment group profile on the demurrage rule. If there is no equipment group profile on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all equipment.


Demurrage Flex Commodity Profile All Items Rule

This uses the inbound shipment and/or the out bound shipment and then determines, based on these shipments, its corresponding ship units or ship unit lines and for all these ship units, ship unit lines, its corresponding flex attributes to compare with flex commodity profile on demurrage rule.


Demurrage Flex Commodity Profile Rule

The DemurrageFlexCommodityProfileRule ensures that the commodities on inbound and/or outbound shipment of every demurrage transaction is compatible with the flex commodity profile on the demurrage rule. If there is no flex commodity profile on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is  compatible with all commodities.


Demurrage Involved Party Rule

This rule checks the compatibility of the involved party details (qualifier and contact GID) on a demurrage transaction with involved party qualifier and contact profile GID on the demurrage rule. If there is no involved party qualifier or Contact profile GID on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all involved parties.


Demurrage Start Event Region Rule

This checks the compatibility of the start event location attributes on demurrage transaction with start event region on the demurrage rule. If there is no start region on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all locations.


Demurrage Start Event SCAC Code Rule

This rule checks the compatibility of the start event SCAC code on demurrage transaction with start event SCAC code on the demurrage rule. If there is no start event code on a demurrage rule, the assumption is that the rule is compatible with all demurrage transactions.


Driver Max miles per day Rule

Checks if the total distance travelled by a driver for the shipment is not more than that defined in the parameter MAX MILES PER SHIPMENT in the Driver Logic Configuration.


Driver-Equipment Compatibility Rule

Checks that the driver and the equipment on the shipment are compatible with each other. This rule also checks the secondary driver's compatibility in case this driver is teaming up with it during this assignment. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Driver To Equipment.


Driver-Location Compatibility Rule

Checks that the driver and the locations on the shipment are compatible with each other. This rule also checks the secondary driver's compatibility in case this driver is teaming up with it during this assignment. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Driver To Location.


Driver-Power Unit Compatibility Rule

Checks that the driver and the equipment on the shipment are compatible with each other. This rule also checks the secondary driver's compatibility in case this driver is teaming up with it during this assignment. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Power Unit To Driver.


Driver-Region Business Rule

Checks that the locations that the driver would be going to as part of his assignment, are within the driver's work region. This rule also checks the secondary driver's compatibility in case this driver is teaming up with it during this assignment.


Equipment-Location Compatibility Rule

Checks that the equipment and the locations on the shipment are compatible with each other. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Equipment To Location.


Equipment Type-Location Compatibility Rule

Checks that the equipment type and the locations on the shipment are compatible with each other. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Equipment Type To Locations.


License Involved Parties Rule

Compares the merged involved parties of transaction line and its transaction with the involved parties of license during license determination.


License Line Commodity Rule

Compares the commodity ID of the license line with the commodity ID of the item of the transaction line during license determination.


License Line Item Remarks Rule

Compares the remarks of the transaction line item with the remarks of the license line item.


License Line Item Rule

Compares the license line items with the transaction line item.


License Line Product Classification Codes Rule

Compares the classification code of the item of transaction line with product classification matching formula of license line.


License Line Reference Numbers Rule

Compares the reference numbers of the license line with the reference numbers of the transaction line.


License Line Remarks Rule

Compares the remarks of the license line with the reference numbers of the transaction line.


License Line User-Defined Commodity Rule

Compares the user-defined commodity of the license line with the user-defined commodity of the item of the transaction line.


License Ports Rule

Compares the ports of transaction of trade transaction line with the ports on the license.


License Reference Numbers Rule

Compares the reference numbers of the license with the reference numbers of the transaction.


License Region Countries Rule

Compares the region and countries of the license with the locations of the involved parties of the transaction line and its transaction.


License Remarks Rule

Compares the remarks of the license with the reference numbers of the transaction.


License User-Defined Categories Rule

Compares the user-defined categories, types, and codes of the license with the user-defined categories, types, and codes of the transaction line and its transaction.


License User-Defined Types Rule

Compares the user-defined types and codes of the license with the user-defined types and codes of the transaction line and its transaction.


Power Unit-Equipment Compatibility Rule

Checks that the power unit and the equipment on the shipment are compatible with each other. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Power Unit to Equipment.


Power Unit-Location Compatibility Rule

Checks that the power unit and the locations on the shipment are compatible with each other. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Power Unit To Location


Power Unit Type-Location Compatibility Rule

Checks that the power unit type and the locations on the shipment are compatible with each other. The incompatibilities/compatibilities can be defined in Compatibility Rules (Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Compatibility Rules). Compatibility Rule Type: Power Unit Type to Location.


Trade Item Structure- Involved Party Rule

Compares the involved parties of the item structure with the involved parties of the transaction line.


Trade Item Structure-Line Classification Code Rule

Compares the product classification type and code of the item structure with the product classification details of the transaction line.


Trade Item Structure-Line Item Rule

Compares the item of the item structure with the item of the transaction line.


Trade Item Structure-Line Refnum Rule

Compares the reference numbers of the item structure with the reference numbers of the transaction line.


Trade Item Structure-Line Remark Rule

Compares the remarks of the item structure with the remarks of the transaction line.


Trade Item Structure- Type Code Profile Rule

Compares the type and codes of the item structure with the type code profiles of the constraint set.


Driver/Driver Type-Item Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on driver and driver type satisfy the remarks on item.


Driver/Driver Type-Location Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on driver and driver type satisfy the remarks on location.


Driver/Driver Type-Order Movement Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on driver and driver type satisfy the remarks on order movement.


Driver/Driver Type-Order Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on driver and driver type satisfy the remarks on order release.


Driver/Driver Type-Shipment Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on driver and driver type satisfy the remarks on shipment.


Driver/Driver Type-Shipment Special Service Rule

Check that if the special services on driver and driver type satisfy the special services on shipment.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Item Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment and equipment type satisfy the remarks on item.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Location Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment and equipment type satisfy the remarks on location.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Order Movement Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment and equipment type satisfy the remarks on order movement.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Order Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment and equipment type satisfy the remarks on order release.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Shipment Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment and equipment type satisfy the remarks on shipment.


Equipment/Equipment Type-Shipment Special Service Rule

Check that if the special services on equipment and equipment type satisfy the special services on shipment.


Equipment Type-Item Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment type satisfy the remarks on item.


Equipment Type-Location Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment type satisfy the remarks on location.


Equipment Type-Order Movement Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment type satisfy the remarks on order movement.


Equipment Type Order Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment type satisfy the remarks on order release.


Equipment Type-Shipment Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on equipment type satisfy the remarks on shipment.


Equipment Type-Shipment Special Service Rule

Check that if the Special Services on equipment type satisfy the special services on shipment.


Itinerary Calendar Rule

Compares the early pickup date on the order to the calendar periods defined for the 'ACTIVE' activity.


Itinerary Corporation Rule

Compares the corporation associated with the ORDER_OWNER involved party on the order to the corporation profile defined on the itinerary.


Itinerary Commodity Rule

Checks to make sure that the commodity of every item being shipped is compatible with the commodity profile for each leg of the itinerary. If there is no commodity profile on a leg, the assumption is that the leg is compatible with all commodities. If any commodity is incompatible with any of the legs, then the itinerary fails the rule.


Itinerary Equipment Rule

Validates that the equipment defined on an order is compatible with the equipment group profile defined on each leg of the itinerary.


Itinerary Incoterm Profile Rule

Checks the compatibility of the incoterm and term location text defined on the order to the profile of incoterms defined on the itinerary.


Itinerary Mode Profile Rule

Compares the transport mode constraints defined on the order to the transport mode profiles defined on each leg of the itinerary


Itinerary Payment Method Profile Rule

Compares the payment method defined on the order to the payment method profile defined on the itinerary


Itinerary Rate Service Rule

Checks that the rate service profile defined on the order is compatible with the rate service profile defined on each leg of the itinerary.


Itinerary Servprov Rule

Compares the service provider constraints defined on the order to the server provider profiles defined on each leg of the itinerary.


Itinerary Transit Rule

Calculates an estimated delivery date using the early pickup date on the order and the estimated transit time defined on each leg of the itinerary. If the estimated delivery date is later than the late delivery date on the order, the rule fails.


Itinerary Profile Rule

Compares the current itinerary to the buy/sell itinerary profile defined on the order.


Itinerary Volume Rule

Compares the total volume of the order to the min/max volume constraints on the itinerary.


Itinerary Via Rule

Checks the compatibility of the Port of Load/Port of Discharge location profiles on the order to the source/destination via location profiles on the itinerary.


Itinerary Weight Rule

Compares the total weight of the order to the min/max weight constraints on the itinerary.


Order Bundle Bill To Rule

Validates that all orders in a bundle have the same Bill-To involved party. If the rule is disabled then all orders must belong to the same order base.

This pertains to sell shipments only.


Order Bundle Num Compartments

Validate that the sum of the number of compartments required by an order is less than or equal to the maximum number of compartments parameter.


Order Bundle IncoTerms Rule

Validates that all orders in a bundle have the same Incoterms.

This rule and the 'Order Bundle Term Location Text Rule' (obtltRule)" are expected to be used together in order to have them applied in order bundling process in bulk plan. Additionally, these rules need to be added to the parameter "Order Release Bundle Rule Set" in order to have "Order Bundle Term Location Text Rule" applied.


Order Bundle Payment Rule

Validates that all orders in a bundle have the same payment method or no payment method.


Order Bundle Commodity Rule

Validates that all commodities on a bundle are compatible as defined by the commodity compatibility table.

The property  provides an option to allow commodity check in multistop even when the order bundle rule set does not include the commodity rule. This can be done by setting this property to true. The default is false.


Order Bundle Delivery Rail Carrier Rule

Prevents order releases with different delivery rail carriers from being bundled.


Order Bundle Equipment Rule

Validates that there is equipment which is common to the equipment constraints defined on all orders in a bundle.


Order Bundle Mode Rule

Validates there is at least one transport mode which is common to the mode constraints defined on all orders in a bundle.


Order Bundle Pickup Rail Carrier Rule

Prevents order releases with different pickup rail carriers from being bundled


Order Bundle Rate Service Rule

Validates there is at least one rate service which is common to the rate service constraints defined on all orders in a bundle.


OB Servprov Rule

Validates there is a least one service provider which is common to the service provider constraints defined on all orders in a bundle.


Order Bundle Term Location Text Rule

Validates that all orders in a bundle have the same term location text.

This rule and the 'Order Bundle IncoTerms Rule' (obIncoTermsRule) are expected to be used together in order to have them applied in the order bundling process in bulk plan. Additionally, these rules need to be added to the parameter "Order Release Bundle Rule Set" in order to have "Order Bundle Term Location Text Rule" applied.


Order Bundle Time Window Rule

Validates there is a time overlap between the early/late pickup dates and early/late delivery dates on all orders in a bundle.


Order Bundle Weight Volume Rule

Prevents line/ship unit release instructions from bundling above the weight specified by parameter MAXIMUM WEIGHT PER BUNDLE or volume specified by MAXIMUM VOLUME PER BUNDLE.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Item Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on power unit/power unit type satisfy the remarks on item.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Location Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on power unit/power unit type satisfy the remarks on location.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Order Movement Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on power unit/power unit type satisfy the remarks on order movement.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Order Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on power unit/power unit type satisfy the remarks on order release.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Shipment Remark Rule

Check that if the remarks on power unit/power unit type satisfy the remarks on shipment.


Power Unit/Power Unit Type-Shipment Special Service Rule

Check that if the special services on power unit/power unit type satisfy the special services on shipment.


Rate Geo Customer Rate Code Rule

Compares customer rate code on the shipment to the customer rate code on the rate geo/rate offering.


Rate Geo COFCTOFC Rule

Compares COFC/TOFC code on the shipment to the COFC/TOFC code on the rate geo/rate offering.


Rate Geo Hazardous Rule

Compares the hazardous indicator on the order release lines/items on the shipment to the hazardous rate type on the rate geo.


Rate Geo Inter Modal Plan Rule

Compares the rail intermodal plan on the shipment to the rail intermodal plan on the rate geo/rate offering.


Rate Geo Commodity Rule

Compares the flexible commodity profile on the rate geo to the commodities on the shipment.


Rate Geo Equipment Initial Rule

The RateGeoEquipmentInitialRule validates the compatibility between the Shipment's Equipment Initial to the Service Provider's Equipment Marks on the Route Code Details from the Route Code on the Rate Geo. If there is no compatibility, then it tries to check the Equipment Owner Type to see if the Equipment is Carrier Owned, Leased, a private car, or a Free Runner.


Rate Geo Equipment Rule

Compares the equipment on the shipment to the equipment group profile on the rate geo.


Rate Geo Profile Rule

Compares the rate geo to the rate constraints defined on the orders on the shipment.


Rate Geo Rail Beyond Rate Rule

Controls whether a FOR/FROM BEYOND RAIL rate record can be used on a non-Rule 11 leg. When this new rule is included in the rate record rule set, a rate record whose rate offering mode is RAIL, whose FOR BEYOND or FROM BEYOND check box is checked, is invalid to use for a leg whose rule 11 instruction is "Not Rule 11".

This is not included in the default rate geo rule set.

See Rate Record Attributes.


Rate Geo Route Code Rule

Compares the air/rail route code on the shipment to the route code on the rate geo.


Rate Geo Route Code Serving Carrier Rule

This Rate Geo Rule validates the Route Code Details to make sure the Service Providers for the SCACs actually serve the Destination and Source Locations of the Shipment. (Open to Switch functionality)


Rate Geo Rate Serv Rule

Compares the rate service on the rate geo to the rate service constraints defined on the orders on the shipment.


Rate Geo Stops Rule

Compares the number of stops on the shipment to the pickup/dropoff/total stops constraints on the rate geo.


Rate Geo Special Service Rule

Checks the compatibility of the special services defined on a shipment to the special services supported by a rate geo/rate offering.


Rate Geo Via Rule

Checks the compatibility of the source/dest via location profile on the itinerary leg and the source/dest via location profile on the rate. It also checks the compatibility of the port of load/port of discharge location profile on the shipment to the source/dest via location profile on the rate.


Rate Offering Direct Shipment Rule

Validates that if the direct rate only flag is set on the rate offering that all orders on a shipment do not have a value for consolidation type.


Rate Offering Hazardous Rule

Compares the hazardous indicator on the order release lines/items on the shipment to the hazardous rate type on the rate offering.


Rate Offering Active Rule

Checks whether or not the rate offering is active.


Rate Offering Corporation Rule

Compares the corporation associated with the ORDER_OWNER involved party on the order to the corporation profile defined on the rate offering.


Rate Offering Distance Rule

Compares the total trip distance of the shipment to the min/max distance constraints on the rate offering.


Rate Offering Equipment Rule

Validates the compatibility between the equipment groups on the rate offering to the equipment group required for the shipment.


Rate Offering Location Rule

Compares the service provider on the rate offering to the service provider profile defined on each of the shipment stop locations.


Rate Offering Mode Rule

Compares the transport mode on the rate offering to the transport mode constraints on the shipment.


Rate Offering RtClf Rule

Compares the rate classification on the rate offering to the rate classification on the destination location of the shipment.


Rate Offering Segment Rule

Prevents the use of a rate offering for a shipment if the shipment has more segments than the maximum allowed by the rate offering. A segment is a series of load and unload stops on a shipment that results in a completely empty vehicle.


Rate Offering Serv Prov Rule

Compares the service provider on the rate offering to the service provider constraints on the shipment.


Rate Offering Tender Lead Time Rule

Validates if the shipment's estimated tender lead time falls into the rate offering's allowable tender lead time defined by minTenderLeadTime and maxTenderLeadTime on the rate offering.


Rate Offering UOM Rule

Validates the min/max length, width, height, girth, and ship unit weight constraints on the rate offering.


Rate Offering Volume Rule

Validates the min/max volume constraints on the rate offering.


Rate Offering Weight Rule

Validates the min/max weight constraints on the rate offering.

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