
General Ledger Lookup Key

This page is accessed via Financials > Power Data > General Ledger. Then select either  Order General Ledger Lookup Key, Shipment General Ledger Lookup Key, Invoice General Ledger Lookup Key or  Bill General Ledger Lookup Key.

General Ledger Lookup Keys organize and rank the General Ledger Key Components that are used by General Ledger Codes. They are split between orders and shipments, invoices and bills.

Note: For General Ledger Lookup Key (Order), only one buy-side and one sell-side key are allowed per domain. Also, for  Invoice General Ledger Lookup Key and  Bill General Ledger Lookup Key only one invoice and one bill key are allowed per domain. You can, however, create multiple lookup keys for use in multiple domains.

For enhanced specificity, General Ledger Lookup Keys usually include more than one General Ledger Key Component. For example, a lookup key could consist of the following key components:


In this example, the lookup key searches order releases by their packaged items, location (source or destination), and payment methods, in that order. If all three match the values specified in a General Ledger Code, that code would be assigned to the appropriate line items or to the order release as a whole.

Use the following fields on this page to create and define your General Ledger Lookup Keys. It is important to remember that multiple General Ledger Key Components can be assigned to General Ledger Lookup Keys. The order in which the key components are saved, is the order in which they will be searched.

Note: Before you can create a new General Ledger Lookup Key, one or more general ledger key components must have been created and saved.

  1. Enter the GL Lookup Key ID.
  2. Select a Domain Name. The domain name defaults to the domain to which you are logged into Oracle Transportation Management.
  3. Select the appropriate Perspective.
  4. Select the Active check box if the key's corresponding General Ledger Codes should be assigned when the Assign General Ledger Codes actions are used in the Shipment Manager, Order Manager, Payment Invoice Manager, or Bill Manager.
  5. Enter the Key Component ID and then click Save. You cannot enter the rank. It is the order you save the Key Component ID that determines the rank.
  6. Click Finished.

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