Business Process Automation

Responsible Parties

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Status > Responsible Parties.

A Responsible Party is a person or group of people responsible for an action or issue.

Note: Responsible Parties are not related to involved parties.

By assigning a Status Group Profile to a responsible party, you are defining what status codes and reason codes are available to users based on who they are.

You can assign Responsible Parties to a Responsible Party Profile. The Responsible Party Profile then gets assigned to an Audit Action, which drives what Responsible Parties are available in the Responsible Party list on the Record Reason page.

The following public Responsible Parties are shipped with Oracle Transportation Management:

  • Buyer
  • Carrier
  • Consignee
  • Driver
  • Logistics
  • Order Owner
  • Order Supplier
  • Shipper

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