Shipment Management

Depot Profiles

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Depot Profiles.

Shipments to and from depots can have specific characteristics that do not apply to other types of source and destination locations. For example, shipments to/from depots can include:

  • Milk run deliveries, that may contain drop-offs and pickups from the same location
  • Empty shipping containers or pallets that need to be returned to the depot
  • Extra stops before the first pickup location, or after the last drop off location, in order to shift drivers or vehicles to/from locations
  • Backhauls, which may include loading different goods at a depot and dropping them off at various locations, or picking up goods at various locations and dropping them off at a depot.

Read an overview of how to set up all the steps necessary for different Depot-related functionality to work.

Depot Profiles on an Itinerary

When the Depot Profile is assigned to an itinerary, Oracle Transportation Management uses the first stop and last stop locations of the shipment to find the most specific cross-lane in the Depot Profile and then find the Source Depot Location and Destination Depot Location defined for the cross-lane. If the first stop of the shipment is at the Source Depot Location, Oracle Transportation Management sets the Depot check box for the stop (on the Stop Detail page in Shipment Manager). Otherwise, Oracle Transportation Management inserts a stop at the Source Depot Location before the first stop and sets Depot flag on the added stop. If the last stop of the shipment is at the Destination Depot Location, set the Depot flag for the stop. Otherwise, append a stop at the Destination Depot Location after the last stop of the shipment and then set the Depot flag for the added stop. Note the added Source Depot stop or the Destination Depot stop have no activity.

When the shipment is rated, Oracle Transportation Management considers the extra distance added by adding the Source and/or Destination Depot stops and can calculate additional cost for the shipment if you configure the SHIPMENT.SRCDEPOT_DISTANCE (Shipment Distance from the Source Depot to the First Stop) and/or SHIPMENT.DSTDEPOT_DISTANCE (Shipment Distance from the Last Stop to the Destination Depot) rate basis on the appropriate Rate Record when the charge is different for the complete trip including depot stops. If the charge is the same, you can use the SHIPMENT.DISTANCE_WITH_DEPOT_STOPS (Shipment Total Distance (Including Depot Stops)) RBI.

When the shipment is saved, the Source Depot stop and/or Destination Depot stop are not saved to the database if the rate offering on the shipment is not Depot Applicable. Otherwise, they will be saved to the database as shipment stops. Note that the Source Depot stop's stop number is 0 (zero). The Planned Arrival and Planned Departure time of the Source Depot stop is derived from the first stop and the Planned Arrival and Planned Departure time of the Destination Depot stop is derived from the last stop of the shipment.

Build Multi-Stop Shipment, Unassign Order, and other Shipment Actions

Any shipment action that has the potential of changing the shipment stops will ensure that the shipment starts from the Source Depot Location and ends at the Destination depot Location.

Shipment Action Reassign Service Provider

Given a shipment, assume that there is a depot profile is defined on the itinerary. Action reassign service provider could add or drop the shipment's depot stops depending on the original rate offering and the rate offering of the reassigned service provider. If the original rate offering was not Depot Applicable, therefore no depot stops on the shipment and the newly assigned rate offering is depot applicable, then depot stops will be added to the modified shipment. On the other hand, if the original rate offering was Depot Applicable but the newly assigned rate offering is not, then the depot stops are removed from the shipment by the action.

Create/Edit Depot Profile

  1. Setting up a Depot Profile enables you to plan depot stops on a shipment. The depot profile specifies the lane and source and/or destination locations that are added as stops on a shipment. When setting up an itinerary, or a network leg, you can assign a depot profile to it. That itinerary then uses information set up here to plan the first and last stop locations of the shipment.
  2. Enter a Depot Profile Name.
  3. Enter a Description.
  4. Enter a Lane ID that you want included in your Depot Profile. A lane includes information on source and destination geography or regions. It may be something broad such as State/Province to State/Province, or more specific such as Postal Code to Postal Code.
  5. Use the Source Location ID and Destination Location ID fields to specify the exact location of the source and destination depots within the lane. If you do not enter a Source or Destination Location ID, then no depots are saved to the shipment.
  6. Click Save for each lane ID you define.
  7. Click Finished.

Note: You should only have one Source and Destination Location set up per lane. Lane definitions in the depot profile should be unique. If you set up multiple Source and Destination Locations for the same lane, you run the risk of the incorrect one being saved to the shipment.

Note: In order for Depot Source and Destination Locations to be saved to shipments, you must specify in your rate offering that the Depot Applicable check box is selected. If not, then the depot stops are not saved to the shipment.

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