Business Process Automation

Data Rule Instance

This page is accessed via Logistics Network Modeling > Power Data > Data Rule Instance.

A data rule instance is one component of data rules. You can create a Data Rule instance using a data rule definition as a basis. Data Rule instances are then assigned to a scenario using the Modeling Scenario Data Rule grid to perform data changes for that scenario. Data rule instances can be assigned to multiple scenarios.

Adding a Data Rule Instance

  1. Enter a unique Data Rule Instance ID.
  2. Optionally, enter a Description.
  3. Enter a Data Rule Definition ID.
  4. The Table Name is populated from the data rule definition.
  5. A Rule Group is an optional way to group rules, which can be used to retrieve records in the finder.

Data Rule Instance Parameters

  1. Enter the data rule instance parameters:
    1. Enter the Parameter Name. The Column Name will display.
    2. Enter the Operand. The operand tells OTM how to modify the column value. Operands are pre-defined and public. The list of available operand values varies based on the Column Type (String, Date, UOM). For example, for String, the public operands are CLEAR, SET, PREPEND, APPEND. For a GID column, prepend and append operations are not allowed. The CLEAR operand  will not be shown for any non-nullable columns in the user interface.
    3. Enter a Value. The value fields are populated based on the operand. For a "Clear" operand, a value is not expected so the Value field is hidden when "Clear" operand is selected,for all other operands. A formula is associated with each operand and is defined in the LNM_OPERAND table. For example, an operand INCREASE BY DAYS is available when the column type is a DATE/TIME and the expected value is a number.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Enter any additional parameters needed. Click Save after each.
  2. Click Finished.

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