Shipment Management

Logic Configuration - Driver Advanced Filter

Driver advanced filter parameters are accessed via the Logic Configuration page if you select a logic configuration type of Driver Advanced Filter.

When running the action to assign drivers for a shipment, advanced filters further limits the set of drivers considered from the saved query. When assigning a driver, there is an override advanced filter button to do overrides.


The parameters are in alphabetical order and list the group they are in.

Note: Some of these parameters do not have a default assigned.

The maximum and minimum distances here are direct distance based on latitude and longitude. This is done before the assignment and also for performance reasons. The empty miles in the result is calculated based on the rate distance of the shipment and it is more accurate. This is done after the assignment. These two distance values are normally slightly different.



New in Version

Functional Description

Driver Committed



Indicates whether OTM should include (keep) the driver if the driver's last assignment is committed.

Driver Dispatched



Indicates whether OTM should include (keep) the driver if the driver's last assignment is dispatched.

Driver Maximum Distance to Shipment



The maximum distance from the driver's next available location to shipment source location. The system looks at both the NAL and the driver's previous NAL.

If not defined, the logic assumes a maximum distance of 1000 miles. This is ignored if the minimum duration is not defined.

Driver Maximum Duration to Shipment



The maximum duration from the driver's next available time to shipment start time.

Driver Minimum Distance to Shipment



The minimum distance from the driver's next available location to shipment source location. The system looks at both the NAL and the driver's previous NAL.

If not defined, the logic assumes a minimum distance of 0 miles.

Driver Minimum Duration to Shipment



The minimum duration from the driver's next available time to shipment start time.

Driver Retained Equipment



If the parameter is TRUE, the driver must retain equipment after the last assignment. If the parameter is FALSE, the driver must not retain equipment after the last assignment. If the parameter is BOTH, this criteria is ignored

Driver Retained Equipment Type ID



If specified, the equipment type the driver is retaining must match one of the specified equipment types. You can enter multiple values. To do so, separate the values with commas.

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