Shipment Management

Cutoff Recovery Time Details

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Cutoff Recovery Times. Then click New Cutoff Recovery Detail.

This allows you to have different cutoff dates for different voyage service types. Often ocean carriers will publish specific cutoff times for specific voyages, rather than offset durations. Also, these cutoff times will be specific to a voyage service type, even for the same location, service provider, and rate service. In practice, voyages belonging to the same voyage service type typically follow the same day-of-week schedule on different dates. For example, different voyages for the same voyage service type would all depart on Wednesday, arrive at the next port on the following Tuesday, and return to the original port on the following Monday. (Recovery times are more typically offsets, but could also be set up by day/time-of-week.) You can set up cutoff and recovery times either as offset durations or as day/time-of-week, and allow these times to be set up by voyage service type.

For example the port of Newark, could say that cutoff is Monday 8AM for a voyage. Then everything would come in at once. They could specify different cutoffs by different voyage service types  because they could take different amounts of time to process. Thus allowing the port to handle operations.

Cutoff and recovery detail records can specify cutoff (C) or recovery (R), and can indicate a day-time or an offset (not both).

Adding Cutoff Recovery Detail records

  1. Enter the Voyage Service Types for this detail record.
  2. Select either Cutoff or Recovery for the detail.
  3. Select whether you want the cutoff or recovery to be set for specific day and time or a set period of time to be offset.
    1. If you select Day/Time, then enter the Day of Week and Time of Day.
    2. If you select Offset, enter the number of days (D), hours (H) and minutes (M) to be offset.
  4. Select the Cutoff Type:
    • CY (Container yard): the 'gate house' time to arrive at the carrier’s facility. This is used to determine the actual times on the shipment.
    • SI (Shipping instruction): the required time for shippers information to be provided to the forwarder. SI cutoff time calculation is based on the port of loading. It will display on the shipment but for information only.
    • CFS (Container freight station): the required time to be at a 3rd party location for container packing. CFS cutoff time calculation is based on the shipment source location. It will display on the shipment but for information only.

Note: To calculate the SI and CFS Cutoff, voyage start time is used (not the shipment start time).

  1. Click Save for each detail record added. You will be returned to the Cutoff Recovery Time window.

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