Business Process Automation

Report Systems

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Document Generation > Report Systems.

A report system holds communication information needed for an external report. For Oracle Analytics Publisher reports, this includes the Oracle Analytics Publisher host, port, user, password, and report path prefix common to all reports sent to that host. For other external report generators, it includes a URL to trigger reports and a report path prefix.

DEFAULT Report Systems

When creating a report, the default report system is DEFAULT.

  • BIP_HOST = $$
  • BIP_USER = $glog.bip.externalFarm.user$
  • BIP_PASSWORD = $glog.bip.externalFarm.password$
  • BIP_PORT = $glog.bip.externalFarm.port$
  • REPORT_PATH_PREFIX = $glog.bip.externalFarm.reportPath$
  • PROTOCOL = $glog.bip.externalFarm.protocol$

In this way, the DEFAULT report system can be easily shifted between a test and production system since it evaluates the macros at run time.

Note: To protect hosted systems, these properties cannot be modified in the cloud without a service request.

When the report system encounters a property macro for a field value, it:

  1. Sets the field as read-only.
  2. Displays the evaluated property in the field.
  3. Stores the property in a hidden field attribute.

This allows you to see the current values for the default host, but not overwrite the properties when saving the record. Note that BIP_PORT is a NUMBER field and cannot support property macros. The DEFAULT host is assigned a port number of 9704, the default port for Oracle Analytics Publisher.

Creating Report Systems

  1. Enter a Report System ID.
  2. Select a Report System Type. Depending on your choice, other sections appear or are hidden on this page.
  3. Select a Domain Name.
  4. Enter a Report Path Prefix. This is a path prefix for all reports requested on this system. The report path specified on the report record is concatenated to this prefix for a final report request.
  5. Click Finished.

Oracle Analytics Publisher Report Fields

This section appears when the Report System Type field has a value of "BI Publisher".

  1. Enter the Protocol, either HTTP or HTTPS. When using the protocol of HTTPS, the system communicates with Oracle Analytics Publisher using HTTPS protocol which uses SSL for encrypting the communication. It is necessary for the report server to present a valid certificate. The system must have the certificate in its security keystore in order for a proper hand shake to happen.
  2. Enter a Host. This is the host name of the Oracle Analytics Publisher server.
  3. Enter a Port. This is the listening port of the Oracle Analytics Publisher server.
  4. Enter a User. This is the Oracle Analytics Publisher user name.
  5. Enter a Password. This is the password for the Oracle Analytics Publisher user name you specified above. Then confirm the password in the Confirm Password field.

Other via HTTP Fields

This section appears when the Report System Type field has a value of "Other via HTTP".

Enter a URL. Specify the full HTTP URL for the external system. The URL may include the {report} macro. This will be replaced with the full report path for each specific report request. See the Report Designer's Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details.

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