Business Process Automation

Stylesheet Content

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Event Management > Stylesheet Contents.

For inbound messages in the Message Hub the stylesheet content represents the format or layout of the text-based file template. You can upload text, XML or XSL for use by the inbound stylesheet profile.

Note: After you upload any stylesheets, run the Validate All Stylesheets action to make sure the stylesheets are valid.

Adding Stylesheet Content:

  1. Enter a Stylesheet Content ID.

    Note: The ID should not contain any spaces.

  2. If the stylesheet is used for viewing, select the Used for View check box. You can use this setting as a filter when selecting stylesheet content.
  3. To load a new stylesheet, click Upload and browse to the file. Doing so uploads the contents of the file you selected to the database. Stylesheets and templates imported from a file to the database are more accessible to users than as files on the server. You can upload XSLT template files for laying out HTML pages, such as .xsl files.
  4. To export an existing stylesheet, click Export. Exporting takes what is in the database and places it in a file.
  5. To view an attached stylesheet, click View. Use this option to view the file that you have uploaded into the database.
  6. Click Finished.
  7. Run the Validate All Stylesheets action to make sure the stylesheets are valid.

Referring to Another Stylesheet in an XSL File

To import another stylesheet that is already present in the database, use the following import statement:

<xsl:import href="db:<STYLESHEET_CONTENT_GID>"/>

where ** db: specifies that the stylesheet to be imported should be looked up in the  STYLESHEET_CONTENT table.

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