Currency Exchange Rates

This page is accessed via

  • Financials > Exchange Rate Management > Currency Exchange Rates
  • Master Data > Power Data > General > Currency Exchange Rates

Enter an actual exchange rate and choose a date for when the rate goes into effect.

To get the currency (for example USD, EUR), OTM first looks at the value of the property glog.defaultCurrencyCode <Country Code 3>. If this property value is not populated, OTM tries the currency table. If it is not there, OTM will assume USD as the currency for that country.

There are currency properties that can be defined. The following properties can also be defined for currencies:

Note: The CSV records in the CURRENCY_EXCHNAGE_RATE.csv are provided as samples and must not be used for currency conversions. You must load your own exchange rates using the CSV or Exchange Rate Inbound transmissions.

Adding Exchange Rates

  1. Enter an Exchange Rate ID.
  2. Enter an Effective Date. This exchange rate record remains active until another exchange rate record is created and takes effect, or this record is deleted. To select a different effective date for a rate, create a separate record for it.

    Note: When editing an existing exchange rate, the Effective Date is read-only.

    Note: If a currency is missing from a set of date exchange rates, Oracle Transportation Management looks for previous rates.

  3. Select a From Currency. The From Currency is the currency from which you are converting.
  4. Select a To Currency. The To Currency is the currency to which you are converting.
  5. Use the Triangulation Currency field if you want to convert to an intermediate currency before the currency in the To Currency field. For example, you may want to convert from Pesetas to Euros before finally converting the rate to Yen.
  6. The Exchange Rate field is for the rate of the currency to which you are converting. For example, if one dollar (From) currently equaled 1.23 lira (To), you would enter 1.23 in the Exchange Rate field.
  7. If you want to specify different precision limits than those you set on the main Exchange Rate page, enter the maximum precision and number of fractional digits in the Max Precision and Fractional Digits fields.
  8. Click Finished.

    Note: An exchange rate record can contain multiple exchange rates.

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