Shipment Management

Override Criteria for Fleet Planning

This page is accessed when running the following fleet planning actions:

This page allows you to select criteria and constraints to be ignored or overridden. For items selected to be ignored, the logic will not check those constraints. Some items are not logic to be ignored, but instead act as overrides.

The Override Criteria screen for fleet planning can be configured by the Action Manager. On the edit screen, select  Action arguments > FLEET_IGNORE_DISPLAY' drop down.

This page changes depending on the action selected. The sections are generally the same, but the criteria in each section varies. For example, if you selected the action Assign Driver to Shipment, the constraints will be specific to assigning drivers to shipments.

Compatibility Rules to Ignore

Select any Compatibility Rules desired. Compatibility rules consist of the following types:

  • Compatibility Rules: These include the compatibility rules defined in the rule set for compatibilities to be ignored. These rules check compatibility between objects, such as Driver and Location for the Driver-Location Compatibility Rule. In this case, OTM would:
    1. Get the driver (and also secondary driver if any) from the shipment.
    2. Get the stop locations from the shipment.
    3. Find the "Driver-Location Compatibility Rule" instance associated with the driver.
    4. Get the compatible location set and/or incompatible location set as specified in the rule.
    5. Check the rule for all locations of the shipment.
    6. If all locations of the shipment are compatible with the rule, the shipment passes the rule, otherwise fails.
  • Special Service Rules: Rules that check whether the applicable special services of the resource (driver/equipment etc) match those required by the shipment. For example, if the shipment requires SS1, SS2 and SS3, but the driver only has SS1 and SS3, so the driver can't be assigned to the shipment. But if you select SS2 in the Special Services section of the action screen, the rules will then ignore SS2, and the driver can be assigned to the shipment.
  • Remark Rules: Rules that check whether the applicable remarks of the resource (driver/equipment etc) match those required by the shipment. For example, if the shipment requires RQ1, RQ2 and RQ3, but the driver only has RQ1 and RQ3, the driver can't be assigned to the shipment. But if you select RQ2 in the Remark Qualifiers section of the action screen, the rules will then ignore RQ2, and the driver can be assigned to the shipment.
  • Constraints: This enables you to ignore specific constraints such as the Driver Region Business Rule if assigning a driver or a backhaul shipment.

Special Services to Ignore

Select Special Services, if available and if needed. These are the special services on the object you selected, such as driver or shipment.

Note: Special Services that are ignored for compatibility checking during assignment are also ignored during the rating engine calculations for weighted cost.

Remark Qualifiers to Ignore

Select Remark Qualifiers if desired.


Select any Constraints. Constraints are generally not ignored criteria, but instead override default behaviors.

  • Assign Same Driver to Shipments with Same CM Name: this constraint is available when assigning a driver, if checked, the CM constraint is ignored; otherwise if parameter ASSIGN SAME DRIVER TO SHIPMENTS WITH SAME CM NAME is FALSE, the CM constraint is ignored. Also, if the CM constraint is already violated., e.g., 2 different drivers on the CM, you have to ignore the CM constraint in order to unassign or assign.

    The action would fail only if the resulting CM would be invalid.
  • Consider Third Party Shipments for Assignment: The possible values are:
    • Blank: Leave the drop-down blank and the value of the Consider Third Party Shipments for Assignment parameter is used.
    • Yes: Overrides the value of the parameter effectively setting it to True for this shipment. Allows you to consider non-fleet shipments, which you can specify in the assignment area below.
    • No: Overrides the value of the parameter, effectively setting it to False for this shipment. The system considers shipments only from the fleet service provider.
  • Get the Driver Home: The possible values are:
    • Use Parameter Value: The value of the Get the Driver Home parameter is used.
    • Yes: Overrides the value of the parameter effectively setting it to True for this shipment. The driver's home is added as the last stop. Displays the Mark Home Stop Fixed field
    • No: Overrides the value of the parameter, effectively setting it to False for this shipment. The driver's home will NOT be added as the last stop.
  • Mark Home Stop Fixed: If you set the Get the Driver Home value to "Yes", then the Mark Home Stop Fixed field is landable. This setting lets you override the settings available in the MARK DRIVER HOME STOP FIXED parameter, but for this specific situation. The possible values are:

If set to No, the return home stop is not marked as permanent for the driver's current assignment and also the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is not set on the home stop. So the next assignment for the driver will start from the last freight stop of the current assignment.

If set to Yes, the return home stop is marked as permanent for the driver's current assignment and also the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is set on the home stop. So the next assignment for the driver will start from the home location.

If set to "Based on Driver Shift", the "Stop_Not_Removable" special service is set on the home stop, but the permanent flag is not set on the stop. The state of the special service and permanent flag is used as an indicator for the logic to decide whether to remove the home stop based on the driver shifts or not during the next assignment. If the next assignment for the driver falls on the same shift as the current assignment, then the home stop will be removed. For the next assignment, the driver will start from the last freight stop of the current assignment.  But, if the next assignment for the driver falls on the next shift or outside the current shift, then the home stop is not removed from the current assignment. The driver will go home after the current assignment and start from the home location for the next assignment.


Assign Equipment Type for Shipment

The Assign Equipment Type for Shipment section appears if you are assigning the equipment type or the driver. See the topic Assign Equipment Type for details on this section.


  1. Enter your Assignment criteria. This section changes depending on the action you selected to access the page. You can manually make a selection, have the system select the best option or have the system show all options and then make a section:
    1. Manually make a selection
      1. Select the option button Manual.
      2. Enter the ID of the object.
      3. Click OK.
    2. Select the Best Option
      1. Select the option button More Options.
      2. Enter a Saved Query ID. If left blank, the default is used from the parameter. A saved query is not required when assigning equipment to a shipment since the equipment type and with that the location/stop from which the equipment can be selected. You may enter one to further restrict the options for the equipment at that location.
      3. Enter a Service Provider Profile ID to filter the results by service provider profile. The FLEET DEFAULT SERVPROV PROFILE ID parameter defines the default service provider profile while Assigning Backhaul Shipments
      4. Optionally, enter an Advanced Filter. If blank, no advanced filter is used. You can enter an advanced filter for additional criteria.
      5. If you want to override and of the filters, click the Override Advanced Filter button. The list of advanced filters opens. The Advanced Filters are set up on the Logic Configuration page. You can override the advanced filters here without going to the Logic Configuration page.
      6. Click OK.
    3. Show All Options
      1. Select the option button More Options.
      2. Click the Show Options button. A new page opens.
    4. If you are forcing either the driver or shipment, enter the appropriate driver or shipment and click OK.

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