Shipment Management

Logistics Pipeline

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Visibility > Logistics Pipeline.

Use this page to view detailed tracking information. You can view details for last position for multiple shipments. This enables you to see if a shipment is delayed and then you can do what is needed to resolve the issue. The logistics pipeline can be used for any mode. We'll use rail as an example. Using an agent you can update the shipment ETA (expected time of arrival) and then see the actual status of the shipment, if its ahead or late, and by how much.

To benefit from the Logistics Pipeline view, you need to have the content. Data content comes from tracking events. You need the initial number on the equipment. Then you need to subscribe to car location messages (CLM) which populates the Tracking Event table. Then setup an agent so the information from the CLM can be populated onto the shipment. You can then view the detailed tracking information in the Logistics Pipeline. A public agent is provided to help guide you in creating an agent to update this information in the tracking event the same way it would update the shipment with ahead/late information so that this can be seen in maps. See the Tracking Event Public Automation Agent Ahead_Late Sample -  Arrival Event. This contains the essential elements that are needed on your agent.

Using an agent gives you flexibility. For example, you can add a range  to consider a shipment "Tardy" but not yet "Late". You can define how late a shipment must be to be considered ahead, on-time, tardy and/or late via a saved condition applied to the agent.

You can set up a map to display shipment locations and status with the following logic configuration parameters:

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