Shipment Management

Optimize Driver Assignments

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Optimize Driver Assignment.

This action allows for many to many assignments between shipments and drivers.

See Logic Configuration - Fleet Optimization for parameters that can be defined for the savings merge algorithm. Also see the MARK DRIVER HOME STOP FIXED and GET THE DRIVER HOME FOR FLEET OPTIMIZATION logic configuration parameters for ways to get the driver home when using this action.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Note: This action cannot be run for static routes until the reservation status of the shipment is RESERVATION_CLOSED. The status may be set to this value by running the Release Schedule Instance action.

Note: When you run this action, if there are depot stops on the shipment with no pickups or dropoffs, they will be removed from the shipment.

Note: If you want to consider non-fleet resources as part of the bulk assignment, then set the CONSIDER THIRD PARTY SHIPMENTS FOR ASSIGNMENT parameter to true.

Note: Shipments with a SECURE_RESOURCES status of TENDERED or ACCEPTED will not be included by this action.

The property is used with the Optimize Driver Assignment action to assign proper power units for the case where they are shared across drivers. Setting this property to true will allow the same power unit to be assigned to both shipments. The default is false

Savings Merge Algorithm

The Savings Merge algorithm used in driver assignment optimization uses continuous moves logic to string shipments optimally with the knowledge of available driver resources. Then, OTM assigns the best driver resource associated with each stringed shipment, to all shipments in the string.

The Savings Merge algorithm only considers drivers with a rate offering defined. Other drivers are ignored by the algorithm and not considered for the driver assignment. The Column Generation algorithm still considers all drivers with or without rate offering defined.

OTM does not handle equipment type assignment during the optimize driver assignment action when the FLEET ASSIGNMENT ALGORITHM selected is Savings Merge. OTM will still do equipment type assignment if Column generation algorithm is selected.

Optimizing Driver Assignment:

  1. Select a Parameter Set ID.
  2. Enter a Description.
  3. Enter a Driver Saved Query ID.
  4. Click OK. The Fleet Resource Assignment Result page opens.  

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