Shipment Management

Transport Handling Unit Profile

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > General > Transport Handling Unit Profiles.

Transport Handling Unit Profiles allow you to group transport handling units into profiles you can use to define shipment details.

Adding a Transport Handling Unit Profile

  1. Enter a Transport Handling Unit Profile ID.
  2. Enter a Description for the transport handling unit profile.
  3. The Compatible check box signifies whether the list is inclusive or exclusive. If the check box is selected, then the list is a list of GIDs that are compatible with whatever you are testing against, i.e., NFRC rules. If the check box is not selected, then the list is a list of GIDs that are NOT compatible with whatever you are testing. In this case, everything is considered compatible.
  4. Enter a Transport Handling Unit ID to associate with this profile. Click Save.
  5. Enter as many transport handling units as necessary. Click Save for every transport handling unit you select.
  6. Click Finish.

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