
Build Lane Summary with Volume Target

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Lane Aggregation > Lane Summary Criteria > Actions > Build Lane Summary with Volume Target.

Note: This action only works with shipments that have a transport mode ID of TL.

The Build Lane Summary with Volume Target action should be used together with the Build Lane Summary action. The Build Lane Summary action does not consolidate lane volumes and the result may contain lanes with too little volume. Service providers (carriers) may not want to bid on these low volume lanes. You can run the Build Lane Summary with Volume Target action to remove these low volume lanes. You must run the Build Lane Summary action first to create a lane summary before running the Build Lane Summary with Volume Target action.

When you run the Build Lane Summary with Volume Target action, Oracle Transportation Sourcing determines the best level of geography as a function of lane volumes. Only lanes with less volume than the Volume Target field are considered. Oracle Transportation Sourcing iterates through the geographic hierarchies listed in the Geo Hierarchy Profile ID field and for every iteration does the following:

  1. Gets the existing lanes shipments from Lane Summary and shipments the lane ID of null from all the Shipment Sets.
  2. Sets the lane ID to null for the sourcing shipments associated with those lanes.
  3. Iterate the below steps for each row in Geo Hierarchy Profile ordered by rank ascending. 
    • Find the new lane ID with Source and Destination Geo Hierarchy.
      • If not found go through the lanes which are created for this action.
      • If still not found, create a new lane with Shipment Source and Destination Locations and Source and Destination Geo Hierarchies.
    • Once Lanes are found or created, group the Shipments by Lane ID.
    • If a particular Lane is having Shipments greater than or equal to the Volume Target provided in the action input screen, assign those shipments and remove them form next the next iteration.
  4. Once the iteration is over with Geo Hierarchy Profile rows, automatically runs the Build Lane Summary action.

Note: This action will try to come up with lanes with volume greater than or equal to volume target, but it might also result in lanes with less than volume target.

Note: This action makes changes to both the sourcing shipment and the lanes associated with that shipment.

This action also populates the Desire Geo Hierarchy Profile ID field on the shipment set criteria and the Desired Source Geo Hierarchy and Desired Destination Geo Hierarchy ID fields on the lane summary criteria.

Building Lane Summary with Volume Target

  1. Run the Build Lane Summary action.
  2. Select the Lane Summary Criteria.
  3. Click Actions > Build Lane Summary with Volume Target.
  4. Select N (No) or Y (Yes) in the Remove Outliers drop-down list. If set to Y (yes), this removes the outlier(s) when calculating the average distance for the lane.
  5. Enter a Geo Hierarchy Profile ID. The Geo Hierarchy Profile ID indicates the sequence of geographies to use. The action uses the lanes with the lowest rank first.
  6. Enter a Volume Target. The volume target is the total demand for the time period specified in the lane summary.
  7. If you want to run the action in the background, accept the default of Yes for the Run Job in Background field. The server can time out while waiting for a result if the action is run in the foreground for a large data set. Therefore, for large data sets, you need to run the action in the background.
  8. If you selected Yes to Run Job in Background, specify a contact in the Contact ID field. When the action finishes, an email is sent to the contact. Email notification is the only communication method that will work even if the field lists other communication methods. There is no results page so the email notification is the only notification that this action completed.
  9. Click Build Lane Summary With Volume Target to start the action.
  10. Clear the Desired Geo Hierarchy Profile ID from the shipment set criteria used to build the lane summary.
  11. Clear the Desired Source Geo Hierarchy ID and the Desired Destination Geo Hierarchy ID from the lane summary criteria used to build the lane summary.
  12. Run the Build Lane Summary action a second time.

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