Delete All Unassigned Shipments

This page is accessed via:

  • Sourcing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Delete All Unassigned Shipments
  • Cooperative Routing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Delete All Unassigned Shipments

When you build a shipment set, you may end up pulling in shipments from the remote system that have previously been pulled and are referenced by some other shipment set. Prior to building a shipment set, the references to the shipments are deleted, but the shipments themselves remain. This results in orphaned shipments (i.e., shipments that are not in any shipment set). The Delete All Unassigned Shipments action removes all shipments in your domain that are no longer in any shipment set.

The action only deletes those shipments that are no longer referenced by any shipment set. Therefore, if you have built multiple shipment sets using similar selection criteria resulting in shipments that are in multiple shipment sets, you must clear all shipment sets that refer to the shipments in order for the Delete All Unassigned Shipment action to have any effect.

Note: When you are rebuilding a shipment set and you want to clear both the shipment set as well as the shipments that were in that set, you must run the Clear Shipment Set action before running the Delete All Unassigned Shipments action.

Deleting All Unassigned Shipments

Click Delete All Unassigned Shipments to run the action. No user input is required.

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