Fill Shipment Set Distance

This page is accessed via:

  • Sourcing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Fill Shipment Set Distance
  • Cooperative Routing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Fill Shipment Set Distance

Shipments may come over from Oracle Transportation Management without distance specified. Oracle Transportation Sourcing provides an action for filling in the distance column on all shipments in a given shipment set.

Note: The distance on a given shipment must be nulled out before running this action.

Filling Shipment Set Distance

  1. Select a value from the Rate Distance ID drop-down list to indicate which method should be used for determining distance.
  2. Click Fill Shipment Set Distance to run the action.

The distance is then populated for all shipments in the given shipment set that have a null distance column.

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