
View Lowest Bid

The View Lowest Bid action searches through selected objects to locate the lowest bid.

In Project

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Project > Actions > View Lowest Bid in Project.

Viewing Lowest Bid in a Project:

  1. In the Consider Ref Bids drop-down list, select No or Yes. No is the default.
  2. Enter a Lane ID for which you want to view lowest bids. You cannot create a new lane from this action page.
  3. Click View Lowest Bid in Project to run the action.

In Bid Round

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid Round > Actions > View Lowest Bid in Bid Round.

Viewing Lowest Bid in a Bid Round:

  1. In the Consider Ref Bids drop-down list, select No or Yes. No is the default.

    When the selected bid round is a reference bid round and Yes is selected for Consider Ref Bids, the results are the lowest bids along with the reference bid data.

Note: When the selected bid round is a reference bid round and No is selected for Consider Ref Bids, the result of the action is always no bids or null.

  1. Enter a Lane ID for which you want to view lowest bids. You cannot create a new lane from this action page.
  2. Click View Lowest Bid in Bid Round to run the action.

In Bid

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Bid Creation > Bid > Actions > View Lowest Bid in Bid.

Viewing Lowest Bid in a Bid:

  1. In the Consider Ref Bids drop-down list, select No or Yes. No is the default.
  2. Click View Lowest Bid in Bid to run the action.

Related Topics

Project Actions and SmartLinks

Bid Actions and SmartLinks

Bid Round Actions and SmartLinks


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