
Download Rates

This page is accessed via Sourcing > Rate Maintenance > Download Rates.

  1. Search for and select rate records.
  2. Click Download Rates.
  3. Select a Rate Load Definition ID.
  4. Select a Rate Record Structure.
  5. Click Download Rates:

Depending on the size of the downloaded spreadsheet, you see the following:

  • If the downloaded spreadsheet is less than or equal to 5,000,000 bytes, the spreadsheet is sent as an email attachment to all involved parties specified on the rate load definition.
  • If the downloaded spreadsheet is greater than 5,000,000 bytes, an email containing a link is sent to all involved parties specified on the rate load definition. Click the link to download the spreadsheet.

See Downloaded Spreadsheet for more information on the columns to expect in the downloaded spreadsheet.

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