Copy Shipments To Shipment Set

This page is accessed via:

  • Sourcing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Copy Shipments to Shipment Set
  • Cooperative Routing > Historical Shipments > Shipment Set Criteria > Actions > Copy Shipments to Shipment Set

You can copy shipments from one shipment set to another shipment set.

Copying Shipments to a Shipment Set

  1. Enter a destination in the Destination Shipment Set ID field.
  2. Enter a prefix in the Shipment ID Prefix field.

    Note: The prefix you use will be added to the Shipment ID. For example, if the original shipment is named "BROOKLYN.02287", and you use the word "New" as the prefix, the copied shipment's ID will be "BROOKLYN.NEW-02287.

  3. Click Copy Shipments To Shipment Set to run the action.

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