Configuration and Administration

glog.droplistcache Property

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

The caching of drop lists on the user interface is by domain, not by user. The only exceptions are shipment event status and reason codes, which can be stored by user.


New in Version




Excludes queries from being cached. To exclude a query from being cached add this glog property and the value of the full Java class name that does the query. For example: To exclude Shipment Refnum Qualifier from the cache use glog.droplistcache.exclude=glog.server.query.powerdata.ShipmentRefnumQualQuery

This property can also be used to prevent flex fields with a field type of "FlexDropList" from being cached. Set the property to a GID for a flex field definition. In addition to setting the property to the flex field definition GID, you can further indicate whether to exclude the manager layout section of the flex field definition or the screen set section flex field definition.

To exclude the manager layout section, but include the screen set section, append "xM" to the GID. For example, glog.droplistcache.exclude=FLEXFIELDDEFGIDxM.

To exclude the screen set section, but include the manager layout section, append "xS" to the GID. For example, glog.droplistcache.exclude=FLEXFIELDDEFGIDxS.

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