Configuration and Administration

glog.integration Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.

Properties are case sensitive and case sensitivity may cause them to appear in a different order in Oracle Transportation Management.


New in Version




Specifies if the outbound transaction order element should include transaction order line allocation details. The default value is false. Set it to true to include transaction order line allocation details.



Use this property to increase Global Trade Management screening performance.

Default: true

Note: The properties "glog.integration.Location.syncLocationCreation" and  "glog.integration.Contact.syncContactCreation" should be set to false.



Determines if buy shipment related details display in the outbound Billing XML when performing Send Bill Interface on a bill or if only sell shipment related details display.

By default only sell shipment related details will be visible (default is false). If you want buy shipment related details displayed, then set the property to true.



With conversion of a collection of string buffers, the size of each collection member is controlled by this property (1000 is the default). Since data for each collection member requires continuous memory, this property can further restrict the max size of continuous memory during XML building process.



This is a set of properties that restricts changing data text to upper case. This property is associated with the following property "glog.integration.enableCaseChange". Valid values for this property are element names. Some data such as arguments should stay in the format (case) they are in. For example, since the argument name and argument value is not to be changed, you would set the following properties:

  • glog.integration.casechange.element=ArgName

  • glog.integration.casechange.element=ArgValue



Specifies if the outbound Claim element should include Location details for Contacts within Contact Groups referenced in the Claim (e.g. involved parties, notify contact, etc.)



Controls the number of attempts to query for XML for the Oracle centric XML such as RATE_OFFERING, RATE_GEO, and FLIGHT_INSTANCE. An error was detected where no data may be returned on a connection, but may be returned on another connection. This property will control how many attempts are made.



When enabled, all contacts being created in a single application server will be synchronized.


5.5 CU5

Allows handling of " and ' XML entity references via web service calls.

Default: FALSE









Overrides the name of the data queue.

If you have created an integration data queue, you must declare the name of the data queue in one of these properties. For example, if you needed to configure the Integration Out Transport - FTP data queue you would create a copy of it and edit the copy. Then indicate the name of the copy in a property, such as:





Defines the method used to process internal events resulting from processing the data queue event. The default is "execute". Refer to Integration Guide in the Oracle Help Center for more details.



Determines if, when a queue is inactive, the process should go ahead and raise the topic to the MemoryEventQueue. If false, topic will be ignored.

Default: true



Use this property to change the root element tag for exported data.



Controls the default country value for situations where a country is not defined.



This sets the default XSL stylesheet for Oracle Transportation Management to apply to all inbound transmissions.

  • on - enable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code delete.
  • off - (default) disable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code delete.

  • on - enable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code insertupdate.
  • off - (default) disable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code insertupdate.

  • on - enable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code update.
  • off - (default) disable DirLoadServlet support for the transaction code update.



Integration requires that data is in upper case. Usually, the user interface in Oracle Transportation Management forces data into upper case. Data imported from Oracle's E-Business Suite (EBS) is usually in mixed case. This property if set to True, will change the text to upper case. You can limit what is changed with the glog.integration.casechange.element property.



When set to TRUE the old data elements for all inbound interfaces can be used.



When this property is set to true, any invalid XML characters are encoded at the time of creating the outbound XML.

This property defaults to false.



When set to TRUE, outbound XML will be formatted to remove white spaces (spaces, tabs, line feeds, etc.).

Default: FALSE



Indicates the hosts that should be connected too directly and not through the proxy server.



Indicates the proxy server and port that the FTP protocol handler will use.



Indicates the proxy server and port that the FTP protocol handler will use.






Specifies if any of the lifetime events for the transmission should be raised. Preserves backward compatibility.

Default: false



An error is generated during export when locations are created with operational locations referring to the same parent location. This can also happen when there is a circular dependency on the locations. To control recursion during export, this property has been introduced. Default: false. When false, the system limits the nesting level of child operational location to 1. When set to true, the recursive behavior is enabled.



When enabled, all locations being created in a single application server will be synchronized.



Controls how the transaction success message is recorded in the integration log table.

The logging can be disabled to improve performance. Possible values are:

  • [on|off|on_but_no_clob]
  • "on_but_no_clob" - success msg is written to the log, but the text message is left unpopulated
  • "on" - will cause the text message to be populated, which has a negative performance impact
  • "off" - eliminate success message, best for performance, but results in an empty transaction report




Suppresses the Transmission Received (inbound) and Transmission Sent (outbound)integration log messages.

Possible values are:

  • "on_but_no_clob": message code is written to the log, but the text message is left unpopulated.
  • "on": will cause the text message to be populated, which has a negative performance impact.
  • "off": eliminates logging of message. Is best for performance, but may result in an empty report.



To use OTM or GTM contact interface, perform the following configuration:

Contact with GTM details


  • glog.integration.notification.contactEntity.isGtm=true

Contact (default)


  • glog.integration.notification.contactEntity.isGtm=false



Sets the default communication method in the Notify Type field for the Send Interface Transmission actions. Default: HTTP



Some transactions may be Long Running. This property provides the default number of transactions needed to make the action long running. Default: 100.



Specifies the default time zone for the OrderMoveReplace interface when the OrderMoveReplace.TimeZoneGid element is not specified.



This property indicates if the default value should be from the property or retrieved from the source location for the order release.  Possible values are [property|release]. If the value is property, then the defaultTimeZone property is used as the default.


5.5 CU6

This property can be configured to set a default value for the ship_unit_origin column on the order_release table. Values for this property are BL=order base by line, BS=order base by ship unit, RL=order release by line, RS=order release by ship unit. If this field (ship_unit_origin) is not 'RS' (formerly 'U'), the system deletes all existing order ship units for the given order release, before calling new releasing logic to generate ship units. This is optional and on an as-needed basis.

  • BL=order base by line
  • BS=order base by ship unit
  • RL=order release by line
  • RS=order release by ship unit

When new release comes in via integration, this property has no impact.

When an update to a release is sent in via integration and if ship_unit_origin is null in the database, then the value of this property will be saved in the database for the ship_unit_origin column. For example, you set the property to BL and the ship_unit_origin is null. When the order release is updated via integration the BL from the property will be entered in the ship_unit_origin column.

If the property is not set, then the ship_unit_origin column will not be updated.




Controls whether the default outbound XML Profiles are used. The default profiles are defined for each interface in the INT_GLOG_XML_ELEMENT table. These profiles are overridden by specifying a profile for the external system.

  •    useDefaultProfiles: specifies if the profiles are used
  •    enableDefaultProfileCache: specifies if caching is enabled


  • glog.integration.outXmlProfile.useDefaultProfiles = true
  • glog.integration.outXmlProfile.enableDefaultProfileCache = true



This property is related to EBS Integration. Set to False. This property overrides the default namespace properties.



Provides an approach to relax the foreign key relationship to allow for shipments to refer to orders not within Oracle Transportation Management, as well as supporting the removal of the order release line without having to delete records. Default: false.



If set to "true", this property controls the creation of locations so that the creation is sequential rather than multiple threads attempting to create the same location at the same time. Defaults to false.

This property should be set to true only if you experience DUPLICATE KEY ERROR DUE TO SIMULTANEOUS LOCATION UPDATES. Otherwise, since the system forces location creation to be done sequentially, there can be some contention.



When the release XML is sent, and this property is set to 1, the ShipFromLocationRef and ShipToLocationRef elements will send out full Location information rather than just the Location GID. This happens only when the release is not included in the shipment XML.

Defaults to 0.


5.5 CU4

1 - Allows the RemoteQueryReply element to be wrapped in the GLogXMLElement.

This allows users to send more than one RIQ into Oracle Transportation Management using the RemoteQuery interface. Since the RemoteQueryReply interface only sends one reply back, it will drop the additional RIQs. With this property set to 1, it will wrap the reply in the XML transmission which will send all the RIQs back in the reply.

The default is 0.

The element Transmission/TransmissionHeader/QueryReplyFormat when given in the XML to be uploaded provides an override to the property.


5.5 CU4

This allows you to specify the unit of measure for the RIQQueryReply response to RIQQuery XML in integration (RemoteQueryReply/RIQQueryReply/RIQResult/TransitTime element). Possible values for the property are as follows:

  • "D" for days
  • "H" for hours
  • "S" for seconds
  • "Storage" for the storage default in Oracle Transportation Management

The default is "H" for hours if not specified.



Enables rounding of the RIQResult/TransitTime when running the RemoteQuery/RIQQuery inbound integration. The property must be set to true to enable rounding. Default: false.



If set to TRUE, this property controls the creation of packaged items to be sequential rather than multiple threads attempting to create the same packaged item at the same time.

This property should be set to true only if you experience a duplicate key error due to simultaneous packaged item updates.

Defaults to false.



This property is related to EBS Integration. Default is false. The RC Transaction Code generally applies to child elements. This property enables the logic to null out the data in the parent element as well. Default: true.



This property affects the classification process in rate inquiry integration. When set to false (default) the Flex Commodity Qualifier in Rate Inquiry will not default to FAK (Freight All Kinds). When set to true, the Flex Commodity Qualifier in Rate Inquiry will default to FAK.



Specifies how the content of the IMessageText element is formatted. Possible options are as follows:

  • normal - the text is encoded to produce a valid XML element

  • CDATA - the text is wrapped in a CDATA section to avoid encoding

  • comment - the text is wrapped in a comment section to avoid encoding




This controls how the elements are formatted. Valid values are: comment, CDATA, normal.



This property gets the Sender System ID (URL) and inserts it into the Transmission Header for an outbound XML. The property defaults to the Oracle Transportation Management webserver URL, but is editable. The format is in the form of:


Any valid URL will work.



These properties improve the error reporting functionality during the Integration staging of the Transmission XML through WMServlet. The functionality can be configured to send back a TransmissionAck with the echoed TransmissionHeader, Stack Trace, and the original XML sent.



This property specifies if the response is a StackTrace or TransmissionAck.



This property indicates if the full transmission is sent back.

Valid values are True or False.





Transmission XML Stage Error


The following properties specify if an email should be sent and to whom.

You can also set the email properties to a support email address to monitor when exceptions occur.



When set to TRUE, the default, this causes orphaned ship units to be deleted when they are removed from a shipment using the ActualShipment interface with a TransactionCode = RC or DR.



When set to true, the system uses the insert_date column as the select criteria to find the shipments to be purged. Then the purge is executed by EJB and not by the database.

Defaults to false.



Provides an approach to use temporary keys to allow for shipments to refer to orders external to Oracle Transportation Management, as well as supporting the removal of the order release line without having to delete records. Default: false.



Specifies whether the packaged item details from the release are included in the outbound shipment.



Specifies whether the packaged item details from the TransOrderLine are included in the outbound shipment.



Specifies whether the packaged item details from the TransOrder ShipUnit are included in the outbound shipment.



Controls whether complete location data or just the Location GID is included with the ShipmentStop element. When this property is set to true, the complete location information will be included. Defaults to false.


This property specifies whether to get the time zone based on LocationRefnumQualifierGid and LocationID or LocationGid elements.
When you set the property value to true and apply the tracking event over integrations by providing the location, the application reflects the time zone as per the location.

Default: true



Sets the ship_unit_gid on the s_ship_unit_table referencing the order release ship unit when the field is empty in the XML. The value is taken from the ship unit lines.

This property is needed for the EBS integration to effectively clean up the orphaned ship units and update the reference to the release ship unit.



For a SAW (Shipment As Work) integration, there is an integration command as well as an agent action that can be set to do persist only. This property also controls that behavior.

When enabled, business logic will not be performed and the shipment XML will be persisted as is. Default = true. 



Provides a default value for the responsible party in the Shipment Status interface if it is not provided in the XML.

Default: CARRIER



true - Enable ShipmentStatus interface to lookup the SSStopSequenceNum using the LocationRefnumQualifierGid and LocationID elements

false - You must supply the stop number for the shipment status.

Default: false.

Note: Previously, you could set the property value to 0 or 1. Now, you will only be able to set the property value to true or false. For backward compatibility, the application supports the property value 0 or 1 if already set.



true -Generate an error, if glog.integration.ShipmentStatus.findSSStopNumByLocationID is enabled and the LocationID is missing from the ShipmentStatus interface.

false - No error is generated, even if glog.integration.ShipmentStatus.findSSStopNumByLocationID is enabled and the LocationID is missing from the ShipmentStatus interface.

Default: false.

Note: Previously, you could set the property value to 0 or 1. Now, you will only be able to set the property value to true or false. For backward compatibility, the application supports the property value 0 or 1 if already set.

Note: This must be set to false if you pass both LocationID and LocationName in the same transaction. Otherwise, the transaction will error out even though it is a non stop related event.


When this property value is set to true, the application translates timeZone of the timezone gid "Local" to a real timeZone if there is sufficient stop level information available.
When the property value is set to false, the application doesn't translate the timeZone.
Default: true.

Note: Previously, you could set the property value to 0 or 1. Now, you will only be able to set the property value to true or false. For backward compatibility, the application supports the property value 0 or 1 if already set.

glog.integration.shipmentStatus.saveDocumentAndTrackingEventInSameTransaction 24C

When the property is set to true, both the tracking event and its related documents transmitted via inbound transmission are simultaneously persisted i.e. the agent actions listening to tracking event lifetime events have access to the related documents. When this property is set to false, then the tracking event is persisted before the related documents i.e. the agent actions listening to tracking event lifetime events may or may not have access to the related documents based on whether the documents are persisted first or the agent actions run before that. Additionally, any errors encountered while saving documents will not impede the saving of the tracking event.



When set to true, it will skip the Byte Order Mark, if present in the XML, while reading the inbound XML via HTTP or through the UI.

Default: False


5.5 CU3

When set to True, the shipment source location's time zone will be used. When a carrier responds to the tender with pickup date changes (using a Tender Response XML), Oracle Transportation Management calculates/converts the date/time for pickup if no timezone is entered in the Tender Response XML.



A Topic interface request may be immediately executed or published. If published, there may be a small delay in processing the topic as it's made available to all servers in the cluster.

If true, the topic is published for all servers; if false, it is executed on the current server.



To suppress storing the RemoteQuery XML in the table, set the property to True.

It will still store a record in the i_transaction table, but the size of the storage should be reduced.



Specifies the XSL transformation engine to use in integration. Possible values are sax or cocoon.



Specifies the mode to use for building outbound Staging Transmissions. The field indicates whether to build up the XML in the i_transmission table as each transaction is added, or to wait until the Transmission completion process is initiated for the Transmission. Options are:

  • B: append the transaction to the transmission field as each transaction is added
  • TH: the field should initially only contain the TransmissionHeader, and the concatenation will occur at completion.



Default: True

This improves the building of transmissions by not maintaining the individual transactions. There is a process to concatenate the individual transactions into the transmission when complete.



Set this to true to acknowledge an inbound transmission immediately rather than only when all contained transactions have been staged for later processing. Although this capability, referenced as "pre-staging," provides a quicker acknowledgment to the sending client, a greater benefit will be noticed when the number of transactions contained within the transmissions are large. In these use cases, it has been possible that client processes can time out before the transmission acknowledgment (TransmissionAck) has been returned. When enabled it will apply to ALL inbound transmissions. I.e. it is not possible to use the new pre-staging logic for specific transmissions. See the Integration Guide for more details.

Default: False



This creates a staging transmission where transactions can be added until the transmission needs to be sent. This allows the Issue Allocation process to be run frequently, but only initiate the sending of the transaction when needed.

The default is True to enable staging.



To suppress storing the full Transmission XML, set this property to True.

Note that the TransmissionHeader will be stored in the i_transmission table when this property is enabled.

It will still store a record in the i_transmission table, but the size of the storage should be reduced.



Controls the maximum number characters in the Persisted XML of a transmission or Transaction XML of a transaction allowed to be viewed before it is written out to a file. It also control the size of the transmission details displayed in the UI, such as when viewing details of a transmission.

Default: 2000000



Controls whether the TransmissionHeader.StagingInfo.StagingProcess.IntSavedQuery will have their errors logged as warnings. If they are logged as errors, then the Transmission STATUS will be marked as ERROR when completed.



Controls whether the TransmissionHeader.StagingInfo.StagingQuery.IntSavedQuery will have their errors logged as warnings. If they are logged as errors, then the Transmission STATUS will be marked as ERROR when completed.



The following property specifies the status of the Transmission when an error occurs during the initial Stage processing where the StagingQuery and StagingProcess, and Transmission.Refnum is handled.



Use this property to override the system default time zone for controlling the time conversions for the TransOrder/TransOrderHeader/EffectiveDate and ExpirationDate elements.

When the property is set, it will be assumed that the effective data and expiration date fields are provided in that time zone.



You can synchronize the processing of the packaged item in the TransOrderLine. You enable this by setting the property to true.

Note that there is performance implications with sequencing the processing of the PackagedItems within the TransOrderLine.

Doing so prevents two independent TransOrders that are being processed from creating the same PackagedItem in the TransOrderLine.



Controls where Oracle Transportation Management sends Billing transmissions. http://<server_name>/servlets/




Controls where Oracle Transportation Management sends Voucher transmissions. http://<server_name>/servlets/




Controls whether the ObjectGid(s) that are found via the IntSavedQuery or other search logic should be re-used for a Transaction when a Transaction is re-processed. This will enable only the ObjectGid(s) that were not processed to be re-processed. The ObjectGid(s) are stored in the i_transaction_detail table and will be re-used when this property is true.

When the property is false, the i_transaction_detail records will be deleted and the query will be re-run to generate a new set of ObjectGid(s).



The default behavior regarding the validation of inbound XML transmissions is controlled by the glog.integration.validation property.

OnPersistErrorOnly - (Default) Oracle Transportation Management only validates fully after a database persistence error occurs. However, when the data is invalid, Oracle Transportation Management goes back and validates the XML in order to provide user-friendly error messages stated in terms of the XML rather than in database terms.

None - the only errors issued will be Oracle persistence errors.

Full -Every inbound XML transmission is subjected to full validation. This causes the appserver to issue many SQL queries to validate foreign key constraints. This is the Oracle Transportation Management 3.0 behavior.



Decides if the FKNotFoundErrorText error message will format the GID as String (e.g. GUEST.1) or as XML (e.g. <Gid><DomainName>GUEST</DomainName><Xid>1</Xid></Gid>)



These are properties to override the general glog.integration.validation behavior and reset for a specific interface. Valid values are OnPersistErrorOnly, None, and Full.


glog.integration.validation.transactionackinterface for TransactionAck

exceptions are:

glog.integration.validation.ShipmentInterface for PlannedShipment, ActualShipment, and TenderOffer

glog.integration.validation.orderinterface for TransOrder



When set to true, ensures that the username and password are sent in an outbound SOAP message as the standard Web Service Security Username Token. This supports external WSDLs which do not declare an attached policy but need to be accessed via a WSDL URL. The corresponding Web Service must also have the Use Web Service Security field selected.

Default: false.



If all service messages are for objects in one domain, set this default and it is not required in every message.

Values: domain names



If true default domain name will be taken from OTM user passed in message or as security credentials.

If false the value in the glog.integration.webservice.execute.defaultDomain  property will be used.



When set to True an absolute URI will be sent.



Allows you to specify https as a valid scheme for retrieving the WSDL from the application server using an https URL.

Default: http.

Valid values are http and https.



Controls whether the "View WSDL Content" link appears in the Retrieve WSDLs page. Default: false



The Soap Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) used by the Web Services framework in Weblogic 12.1.3 has changed from previous versions. This has caused a change in the SOAP HTTP XML message payload which has caused customer issues. This property will reinstate the SAAJ API used by earlier versions. By default the new feature is active. To disable the change, set this property to true.

To enable this feature, set the following properties on the application server startup command:



glog.integration.wsdl.url=<host address>


You can override the host and port that is present in the WSDL for each of the OTM/GTM web services retrieved via the Retrieve WSDLs page. Previously this would always show one of the internal application server details. This can now be overridden by setting this property.

For example, glog.integration.wsdl.url=


 = <stylesheet content GID>


= <stylesheet content GID>


The integration implementer has the capability to define a custom XSLT stylesheet stored in the Stylesheet Content table and use it to correct any invalid XML messages that would otherwise be rejected.

The feature is available for inbound Transmission and DBXML XML requests and is enabled by setting one of these properties to have the value of the Stylesheet Content GID created to perform the correction.

For more information on using this property and the required stylesheet, see Using a Stylesheet to Correct Inbound XML Messages (Doc ID 2680823.1).



Specifies the character used to indicate a field should be nulled out in the database.

glog.integration.xml.valuetonullfieldindb.currency 24C

Use this property to configure the currency value to be sent during integration so that the value is replaced by "null" and saved in the database.

Default: -1000000 USD



Set this property to True to see required elements and elements from the template in outbound XML. When set to false, or not present, the outbound XML contains elements from XML template only. If you would like to see required elements as well, then you must add this property to the file and set the value to true.

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