Configuration and Administration

glog.invoice Properties

To control the behavior of Oracle Transportation Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


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Use this property to control whether to use an invoice/bill rule for the actions Invoice Adjustment Costs and Bill Adjusted Costs. When the value is true, invoice/bill will be adjusted based on the rule mentioned. If the value is false, invoice/bill will be adjusted without any rule.

Default: true



If this property is true, then the CREATE NEW INVOICE FOR STANDARD APPROVED ADJUST parameter is ignored. The system will check wether the existing invoice is approved. If the property is false, then the parameter is also checked. Default: true.



This property enables OTM to display Amount To Pay as invoice line amount for credit note.

The default value is false.

If you set this property to true, OTM displays Amount To Pay as invoice line amount irrespective of the shipment and invoice balance amounts and previously approved amount.



This property enables OTM to display Amount To Pay as invoice line amount for an invoice.

The default value is false.

If you set this property to true, OTM displays Amount To Pay as invoice line amount irrespective of the shipment and invoice balance amounts and previously approved amount.



Affects approval of invoices and indicates if "by total" or "by line" approval/adjustment of invoices should be executed.

Default: true



When false, the shipment costs will not be loaded for the manual approve by line screen. Most likely it will not be necessary to set this to false, but it is available in case of a performance or memory problem when approving unusually large consolidated invoices.

Default: true



When false, the shipment cost-invoice line matching will not use the accessorial code to match. This is useful if the carrier does not specify this value on an inbound invoice but the shipment does. See the Approve an Invoice by Line section.

Default: true



When false, the shipment cost-invoice line matching will not use the general ledger code to match. This is useful if the carrier does not specify this value on an inbound invoice but the shipment does. See the Approve an Invoice by Line section.

Default: true



When false, the shipment cost-invoice line matching will not use the payment method code to match. This is useful if the carrier does not specify this value on an inbound invoice but the shipment does. See the Approve an Invoice by Line section.

Default: true



This is for configuring whether to check tolerance for invoice line items for which there is no corresponding shipment cost on the shipment matched to this invoice.

If 'true', tolerance is checked for each invoice line item, line by line. If there is an invoice with a single invoice line which has no corresponding shipment cost, and if the invoice line item is in tolerance considering the corresponding shipment cost to be zero, then the invoice is approved.

If there is a single shipment cost which is matching to two invoice line items (this can happen in a consolidated invoice, where the child invoices are matching to the same shipment), the tolerance will be checked only for the first invoice line item. The second line item will be shown as out of tolerance in case of manual approval, and in case of auto approval, the process will fail the tolerance check.

If 'false', these lines will be shown as out of tolerance for manual approval, and for auto-approval the process will end with an error.

The default value is true. If you want the approval process to work as it did previously (before this property), set this to false.



This is for configuring whether to check for tolerance for shipment costs for which no corresponding invoice line item exists in the invoice.

If the value is 'true', tolerance is checked for each shipment cost assuming the corresponding invoice line item has a zero amount. If there is an invoice matching to a shipment, and the shipment has some costs which are not matching to any invoice line item, OTM will consider the tolerance check for such costs by considering the corresponding invoice line items as zero. If the shipment cost is not in tolerance in case of auto approval, the process will fail. If manual, we will show this cost as out of tolerance in a separate section.

If the value is 'false', these costs will be shown as out of tolerance in cases of manual approval. In cases of auto approval, the process will end with an error.

If the value is 'ignore', the unmatched shipment costs will be ignored, meaning they will not be considered at all.

The default value is true. If you want the approval process to work as it did previously (before this property), set this to false.



Sets the dates/date range in the system when matching and approving invoices. The match date can be a shipment start date, shipment end date, invoice date, invoice start date, invoice end date, or system date. See the Header section in the Invoice Approve Rule Manager page.

Default is set to shipment start date.



When set to True, out-of-tolerance details will be saved when the Auto Approve Invoice Agent runs.



Indicates if the auto approval tolerance percentage should be treated as a percentage of the shipment cost/weight or invoice amount due/weight.

For example, the tolerance allows 10% difference.

Shipment $1000  Invoice $1105  (invoice $105 over shipment cost).

If the property is set to SHIPMENT: 10%x$1000=$100 (fails auto-approval).

If the property is set to INVOICE: 10%x$1105=$110.50 (passes auto-approval.) Values are SHIPMENT or INVOICE.




Oracle Transportation Management records the Reference Number Qualifier ID to be used for cost line invoice approvals via this property. This property is used during the matching process to update the tracking number on the Invoice_Shipment join table. During the approval process, Oracle Transportation Management uses the tracking number stored in the Invoice_Shipment join table to determine the explicit cost line to use from the shipment cost table. There is no value by default, so you will need to set this property to the invoice reference number qualifier that represents the tracking number on the invoice.



This property matches shipments to an invoice using a subquery which joins the shipment refnums and invoice refnums tables using the qualifiers specified as per the match rule and their values to fetch the shipments gids.

Use this property only to test if using a subquery gives good performance over directly joining the invoice refnums and shipments refnums tables.  



This can improve performance to find shipments that match an invoice by running two queries instead of one. On larger databases, two queries can perform better than a single one.

Default: false

Set to true to enable.



When set to true, the application will create a consolidated invoice in the domain of one of the child invoices.

If the property is set to false, then the consolidated invoice is created in the domain of the logged-in user or domain of the impersonated user using the user access type Action Execution.

Default: false


5.5 CU5

Indicates whether to copy reference numbers (refnums) from shipment to invoice. If set to false, it will not copy any refnum from shipment to invoice. If it is set to true, then it will copy the refnums.



This property is used to control copying of the reference numbers when grouping invoice lines based on reference numbers.

If true, all of the reference numbers will be copied from the source to the invoice/bill.

If false, only the reference numbers used in grouping (if at all used) will be copied from the source to the invoice/bill.  

Default: true



If the cost identifier  is not present on the shipment cost, then set the property to true to fetch rate cost description of the cost as cost identifier while assigning the involved party to the cost lines based on the bill to party assignment rule.

If false, the cost identifier will depend on the cost identifier defined on the shipment cost.

(See Bill To Party Assignment.)

Default: false



Used to set the Amount to Pay Field for invoicing.



When the property is true, all the amount fields in the approval screen will be converted to invoice currency. If the invoice currency is not provided, OTM will take the currency from the first invoice line of that invoice. For a consolidated invoice, OTM will take the currency from one of the invoices. Note that the amounts are converted into the invoice currency only for display purposes. The tolerance checks for the invoice lines and the invoice will be done in whatever currency the amounts exist in the database.
This is a UI component property.

Default: False



Set this property to True if you want the Manual Approve Invoice Input screen displayed.

Default: False



Use this property to display/hide the button New Line Item on the action screen Approve Invoice. If you set the value as true, the button will not be displayed.

Note: This property is applicable only when the property glog.invoice.approveByLine is set to true, i.e. when you are approving the invoice by line.

Default: false



When set to true, the Deviation, Allowable Amount, and Out-of-tolerance Amount fields are displayed.

Default: false



When the property value is set to true, the system will use the child invoice level information to check for credit note while approving the invoice by line.

If the property value is set to false,  the system will use the parent invoice information to check for credit note while approving the invoice by line. 

Default: true



When the property value is true, this system will use the child invoice level information to check for invoice source while approving the invoice by line.

If the property value is set to false,  the system will use the parent invoice information to check for invoice source while approving the invoice by line.

Default: true



This property is used to define the Line Aggregation Constraint SetThis will be honored if the optional feature "ENABLE IMPROVED INVOICE APPROVAL LOGIC" is enabled and the Line Aggregation Constraint Set field is blank on the Line Approval Tolerance Rule page. By default, the optional feature is enabled.

Default: blank

glog.invoice.copiedInvoice.RetainExistingRelatedObjects 24B

This property is used to copy the related objects to the invoice. If the property is set to true, the related objects will be copied to the invoice. If the property is set to false, the related objects will not be copied.

Default: false.

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