Configuration and Administration

gtm.transaction Properties

To control the behavior of Global Trade Management, you can change settings in the file or the appropriate property set.


New In Version




This property determines whether to set a classification status when you run the action Look Up Product Classification on a trade transaction or a trade transaction line.

If the property is true, the classification status wil be set. If false, the application will not set the status.

Default: false



In the Trade Transaction Line page:

  • the Verify Classifications button is displayed (the Required Classification section is not displayed) when set to false

  • the Required Classification section is displayed (the Verify Classifications button is not displayed) when set to true



User-defined fields of a transaction line can be displayed in the Transaction Line section on the parent and child lines in the Trade Transaction and Trade Transaction Line screens.

The fields to be displayed can be given as comma-separated values for this property in the form ATTRIBUTE=<label>.

For example, you can set up the property as gtm.transaction_line.addFields=ATTRIBUTE1=Attr1,ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2=AttrNum2,ATT


Three columns with labels Attr1, AttrNum2, AttrDate3 will be added to parent and child line sections of both the Trade Transaction and Trade Transaction Line screens.  

gtm.transaction.useCountryOfImportExportDirectField 24C

When the property is set to true, you can edit the fields Country of Export and Country of Import on a trade transaction/trade transaction line.

If set to false, the values are derived from the party or location qualifier. The country of export is derived from 'SHIP_FROM' involved party qualifier (set in the property gtm.dutyTax.dsg.shipFromLocation.locationQualifier). The country of import is derived from 'SHIP_TO" involved party qualifier (set in the property gtm.dutyTax.dsg.shipToLocation.locationQualifier).


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