Shipment Management

Create Consol

Use this action to create a consol for one stowage mode with specific weight, volume, TEU/FEU capacity values.

Creating a Consol

  1. Choose a Stowage Mode ID, (if the charter voyage has more than one defined).
  2. Select a Perspective.
  3. Enter the various Allocated and Maximum capacity values that appear. Allocated values represent original agreed-upon capacity while the Max values represent the absolute maximum capacity that Oracle Transportation Management honors when booking orders on a consol shipment. For example, Oracle Transportation Management prevents an order from being booked on a consol shipment if the total weight of the order exceeds the Maximum Weight limit defined on the consol.

    Note: The TEU and FEU fields only appear if the Voyage Stowage Mode is UNITIZATION.

  4. Click OK and a new consol is created with a sequential ID. The Allocated and Maximum capacity values are copied to the consol.

Oracle Transportation Management also creates an empty consol shipment that can be used to book orders. The resulting consol shipment has a source/destination location equal to the charter voyage source/destination location and the shipment has two stops with no ship units. The shipment start time is equal to the voyage departure time and the shipment end time is the same as the voyage arrival time. Two shipment reference number records are created for the consol shipment, one by voyage, and one by stowage mode with the following qualifiers:

  • CHARTER_VOYAGE: its value is the Voyage ID.
  • VOYAGE_STOWAGE_MODE: its value is the Voyage Stowage Mode ID.

There are no orders on the empty consol shipment and no shipment equipment. Use the Build Buy Shipment on Primary Leg action to place orders on a consol shipment.

Note: You can also manually create a consol from the Consol Manager.

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