Operational Planning

Force Generate Shipments

This page is accessed via Operational Planning > Schedule Management > Ground Schedule > Actions > Force Generate Shipments.

Use the action Force Generate Shipments to generate shipments on a ground schedule in an ad hoc manner. You can override the trips per day that are already defined on a ground schedule. 

The action performs the following functions on a ground schedule:

  • Ignores the specified number of shipments for the schedule for a given date.
  • Ignores the effective date and expiration date of the ground schedule.
  • Generates the specified number of ground schedule shipments for the specified ground schedule and date.

The action does not decrease the number of shipments allowed for this schedule.

Force Generating Shipments 

  1. Enter the date in the Date field.
  2. Enter the number of shipments in the Number Of Shipments field.
  3. Click OK.

Related Topics

Ground Schedule

Ground Schedule Stop

Ground Schedule Actions

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