
Add/Edit Invoices and Bills By Line Item

This page is accessed via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Payment Invoice > Line Item Tab.

You can add new line item charges, or edit current ones, to invoices and supplement bills. Line items should be adjusted only after they have been approved. Also, if you approved your invoice on a line item basis, adjust it on a line item basis as well, not the invoice as a whole.

If you cannot approve an invoice, the payment amount may exceed the manual approval limits assigned to you.

You create/edit line item charges using the following fields:

  1. Line Item Sequence is automatically populated, and contains the sequence number that the line item charge will appear.
  2. Choose a Description from the drop-down list:
    • Base: A base charge for shipping the goods.
    • Accessorial: An accessorial cost charged against the shipment.
    • Stop-Off: A charge incurred for making a stop during delivery.
    • Discount: A discount awarded to the shipment.
    • Other: Any other charge that may apply.
  3. Accessorial Code is automatically populated from the shipment. To view the details of the accessorial, click the 'V' button next to the accessorial code.
  4. Invoice Amount is the cost for this line item. If the line item is being edited, this field is read-only because you will make your edits in the Payment Amount field. If the line item is being created, then this field must be populated with the invoice charge of the line item.
  5. Payment Amount is the amount that should be paid for the line item. If the line item is being increased, then this would be the amount added to the line item (added to the freight charge). If the line item is being reduced, then this would be the amount subtracted from the line item (removed from the freight charge).

    Note: You must enter a payment amount for at least one line item. If you do not, you will receive an error.

  6. Adjustment Reason is the reason the line item charge is being added or edited. The number schema follows EDI standards. To view the meaning of each reason code, click the 'V' button next to the Adjust Reason.
  7. Enter the Order Release Line ID.

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