Determine Recharge

This action can be accessed via Financials > Payment Invoice Management > Voucher > Actions > Financials > Manage Vouchers > Determine Recharge.

Note: Manager layout capability is added to this action so that you can customize the input page (i.e. hide some fields, make some fields mandatory, etc.).

This action analyzes the voucher and its order releases and determines which order releases need to be recharged. Each order release, which needs to be recharged, is identified via a reference number.

Determining Recharge

  1. Enter an order release involved party qualifier in the Order Owner Release Involved Party Qualifier field.
  2. Enter an order release involved party qualifier in the Sales Unit Release Involved Party Qualifier field.
  3. Enter an order release reference number qualifier in the Op Mode Release Refnum Qualifier field.
  4. Enter a voucher reference number qualifier in the Recharge Required Voucher Refnum Qualifier field.

Note: If no reference number qualifier is specified here, the application uses the reference number qualifier specified by the parameter RECHARGE REQUIRED VOUCHER REFNUM QUALIFIER.

  1. Click OK.

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