Business Process Automation


This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Threshold.

A threshold is a list of conditions that define when to raise the Modify event for a particular business object and are active only as part of an active Threshold Profile. Thresholds can also be used to determine when an agent is triggered.

A threshold is defined by setting conditions for one or more object data values such as the total weight of an order base.

Thresholds can also be defined for the following data field types:

  • Date
  • Distance
  • Currency
  • Duration
  • Length
  • Speed
  • Temperature
  • Weight
  • Volume
  • Number

All the threshold criteria for a given object are defined in the same threshold. There can be only one condition for each object attribute. You cannot define the Shipment Loaded Distance Threshold to be equal to a 50mi Delta and also define it to be for a 10% change.

The threshold criteria can be defined in two ways - by percentage change, or by delta (absolute change). Dates are only defined as a delta. For example, a threshold defined for a bill object could have a criteria set on the due date, and the criteria would be defined as a duration change from the current due date in days, hours, and minutes. The other option is defining the criteria as a percentage change from the current value. A threshold may be defined for an order base where the Total Net Weight has a definition of 10%. So, if the Total Net Weight of the order base did not change at least 10%, then the Modify event would not be triggered by that change.

Creating a Threshold

  1. Enter a unique Threshold ID keeping in mind that it's possible to have more than one threshold for a given object, though only one will be active at a time. A threshold is active when it is part of an active Threshold Profile.
  2. Select the business object ID to which this threshold applies from the Object Type ID drop-down list.
  3. Select a domain in which to store the threshold from the Domain Name drop-down list. This determines which threshold profiles have access to this threshold. A threshold profile has access to all the thresholds in its domain and those in any child domains.
  4. Click Threshold Definition to continue.

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