Configuration and Administration

Configure Action Execution Access

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manage User Access. In the User Access Type field, select the option Action Execution. Click Edit User Access. The Action Execution page opens.

You can configure Oracle Transportation Management to impersonate another security profile when executing a specific action.

The hierarchy for action checks in Oracle Transportation Management is highly structured.

Editing User Access

  1. Specify the Audit Action ID for which the action impersonation is to take place.
  2. The Run As field specifies if this should be impersonating a user role or an object.
  3. The action impersonation can be for a particular user role or the ADMIN user of a particular domain. Use the User Role field to set it up for a user role, or the Domain Query field to set it up for the ADMIN user of a particular domain. The later is helpful when running actions such as Build Shipments because the request should always be in the domain of the order, regardless of the user requesting the action.
  4. Select the Prevent Access Changes check box to specify the final level for access configuration.
  5. Click Save to record your changes.

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