Configuration and Administration

Using an Enhanced Workbench 3D Load Configuration Viewer

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Enhanced Workbench. Select an existing layout. The Workbench Layout list will show both enhanced and legacy layout IDs. The legacy layout IDs are marked with an asterisk. While these layouts can be viewed in the Enhanced Workbench, they cannot be edited. Any legacy layouts that you view in the Enhanced Workbench uses all of the enhanced layout icons. You can convert legacy layouts to enhanced layouts using the Workbench Manager actions.

After you design layouts for a workbench, you can use the workbench by selecting the layout from the drop down list. Or, you can add the Layout ID as a menu item to either the Navigator and/or the Springboard.

The Load Config component shows the load configuration for a shipment in three dimension format. The 'load configuration engine type' parameter must be set to 3D Placement. See also Bulk Plan Tuning Container Optimization Logic.

See View 3D Load Configuration for an overview of how the 3D viewer works. The functionality specific to the Workbench 3D view panel is explained here.

Once you add a Load Config component to a workbench, you can click on a shipment in the associated shipment table and if there is load configuration data for that shipment, a 3D view is shown. The top of the section displays the shipment ID, equipment group ID, shipment ship unit ID, ship unit number, number of stops, and number of pieces of equipment.


  • Lock View icon (Lock View): By default, the lock icon is shown as open (Lock View icon). When you click the lock icon to lock a pane, the icon is shown as closed (Unlock View icon). Click the Lock View icon to lock that pane and keep the current load configuration view; then, if you click another shipment the displayed load configuration does not change. This is useful when you have two load configuration regions, because you can select a shipment to view and then lock that load configuration pane. With one pane locked, you can select a second shipment to view in the second pane.
  • Reset View icon (Reset View): Resets the view to the default view and default color scheme, as well as original position and orientation.
  • View Options: Provide different views of the equipment such as back, bottom, front, etc.
  • Color Scheme: Provides color-coding for the items including ship unit, orientation, order release, stacking layer, etc. The selection of Default uses random colors.
  • View loading sequence: Remove/Remove All and Add/Add All icons
  • Stack View icon (Stack View): View items based on stacking layer.
  • Multi-stop View icon (Multi-stop View):  Click to cycle through the shipment stops. For each stop, items are either added to or removed from the equipment. This icon is only active if the shipment has multiple stops.
  • Multi-equipment View icon (Multi-equipment View): Click through the list of equipment on the shipment. Each click of the icon shows the items loaded on a different piece of equipment. This icon is only active if the shipment uses multiple pieces of equipment.
  • View Details icon (View Details): Click this to activate/deactivate a hovering popup window that displays details about the ship units, equipment, and obstructions over which the mouse pointer is hovering. If you view details for a Logistics Network Modeling shipment or modeling shipment, the following fields are not populated: Packaged Item ID, Commodity ID, Order Movement ID, Priority.
  • Toggle Edit Mode icon (Toggle Edit Mode): Shows the Edit Control options on the toolbar. These include the following:
    • Undo icon (Undo): This is used to reverse your last action. Initially this control is disabled when the screen is loaded. It gets enabled when you edit an item (either by dragging the item or changing the orientation by double clicking the item).
    • Redo icon (Redo): This is used to reverse your last "Undo". It is enabled only when the "Undo" action has been used.
    • Show Center of Gravity toggle icon (Show Center of Gravity): This is used to show/hide the position of center of gravity for the current load configuration placement. This shows the center of gravity coordinates for the equipment for the current load configuration. The screen will dynamically show the updated center of gravity coordinates when an item is dragged and/or the orientation changes. If you move all the items out of the equipment, you can see the center of gravity placement in the equipment. When an item position and/or orientation is changed, the new updated center of gravity coordinates are displayed in the Center of Gravity control.
    • More Options:
      • Show Projection: This is used to show/hide the placement projection when an item is dragged.
      • Auto Placement: This enables you to turn auto placement on and off. When an item is dragged and the auto placement logic is ON, you see the nearest possible placement for the dragged item on the screen. When the mouse is released, the dragged item snaps into the projected placement.
      • Restrict Item to Equipment: When On, the item can only be dragged in the confines of the equipment even if you drag the mouse out of the equipment. Note that as you drag an item, the mouse may not always be aligned with the item. If Off, it can be dragged freely around the space. It is Off by default.
      • Check Constraints: When an item orientation or placement is modified, constraint checks are validated. It is enabled by default. Constraints for space (ensures the item fits in the space) and overlap (checks for item overlap) are always checked regardless of this check box.
    • Save Load Configuration icon (Save Load Configuration)
  • Collapse/Expand Tabs: Click Collapse Tabs icon to hide the tabs shown in the pane. Click Expand Tabs icon to show the tabs again.
  • Detach the table from the workbench and make it full screen. (Expose pane): If the table is too small, click Detach. The table will expand to fill the screen. Clicking the icon again will return it to the default size.
  • Content Details icon (Content Details): Click to display the content details of the tab. This page is read only. Click to Go back to content details icon go back to the actual workbench region.
  • Drag-and-Drop across Shipment 3D Load Configurations: Move a ship unit piece (pallet/item) from one shipment load configuration to another using the Drag-and-Drop item action

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