Configuration and Administration

Auto Grantor

Auto Grantor enables administrators to configure a domain so that its subdomains, when they are created, are automatically granted access to a specified Table Set in the parent domain. This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Domain Management > Auto Grantor Manager.

Note: Only a DBA.ADMIN user can access and use the Auto Grant Manager.

In a hierarchical domain structure, domains by default have read/write access to their subdomains. However, the reverse is not true. Subdomains do not have access to their parent domains unless it is granted to them. For example, you could configure an auto grantor domain containing rate data, so that all of its subdomains share the rate data.

Note: To grant access between specific domains and/or subdomains on a non-automatic basis, use Domain Grants.

Note: The VPD_LITE table set contains all the "stand-alone" tables with a single column primary key GID. Use of this table set enhances search response time for applicable users.

Select Subdomain Only Grant if access is to be granted only to subdomains of this parent domain.

Saving a Query

Whenever a new domain is created, Oracle Transportation Management finds all the auto-grantors in the auto-grantor table. For each auto-grantor, it runs the saved query, passing the name of the new domain as a bind variable. If the saved query returns "true" (meaning one or more rows), then the grant described in the auto-grantor row is made, otherwise not.

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