Configuration and Administration

Login History

This results page shows the login history of users based on the search criteria you entered. This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Management > Login History.

Select a record and click the View button to display more details about the login attempt, such as the IP address.

Note: By default only the login history of DBA.ADMIN is recorded. However, for Cloud instances all user logins are recorded.

The following information appears for each user login attempt:

  • Login Attempt: Displays the system user ID of the user that attempted to log in.
  • Login Status: Displays one of the following statuses:
    • Authenticated - OK: user successfully logged in.
    • Authenticated - Password Expired: user password has expired.
    • Authenticated - Password Expiring: user password has reached the Expiration Warning Period defined on the account policy assigned to the user.
    • Authenticated - Dormant: user login is no longer active due to Dormancy configuration on the user's Account Policy.
    • Authenticated - LockedOut: user reached the maximum logout attempts before lockout as defined on the Account Policy. The property glog.login.statusInvalidLogin deals with the message that occurs when a user tries to login multiple times with an invalid password and the account gets locked out. A vague message will not indicate that the password is correct.
    • Authentication - Failed: user password is incorrect.
  • Login Time: Date/time of the login attempt.
  • Login Mode: Indicates if the login was Interactive (standard manual login) or Batch (from a scheduled or recurring process).
  • IP Address: The IP address of the computing device with the web browser used to log in.
  • Partition Key: A key (from 1-4) based upon the insert_date which helps purge data periodically.
  • Domain Name: Domain of the user.

Note: The Login History page of the DBA.ADMIN user shows all login attempts across domains as well any incorrect login attempt. The Login History page of a (specific domain).ADMIN user only shows login records for valid users of that domain that have login history enabled.

The property glog.login.recordInvalidLogin if set to true, stores failed login attempts in the GL_LOGIN_HISTORY table.

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