Configuration and Administration

Diagnostics and Tools

These utilities are intended for database administrators (DBAs) and other administrators. These screens should only be used by experienced DBAs. You must be a DBA to access these pages.

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > Technical Support > Diagnostics and Tools.

UI Utilities


UI Name

Relative URL


App-Tier Caches


Provides statistics for application server caches including capacity, size, gets, and hit ratio.

The following fields are used:

  • Cache: Name of the cache.

  • Zone: Some caches are organized into groups called "Zones" in order to facilitate filtering on the Cache Diagnostic screens.

  • Type: Describes the type of storage used for the cache (Tree Map, Hash Map, or LRU). LRU Caches have a property driven capacity that maintains the size of the cache using a Least Recently Used algorithm.

  • Size: Number of elements currently in the cache.

  • Capacity: The property driven size limit of an LRU cache.

  • Timeout: Idle timeout for LRU caches which have been configured with an optional property driven timeout capability.

  • Hit Ratio: Ratio of cache Hits to cache Gets. A Hit occurs if an item is already in the cache. A Hit Ratio of 1.0 is ideal.

  • Swap Ratio: Ratio of cache Swaps to cache Gets. Similar to Hit Ratio, this metric shows if the Cache size is too small, resulting in too many swapped-out items. Hit Ratio shows performance from the standpoint of gets; Swap Ratio shows it from the standpoint of puts.

  • Gets: Total number of items requested from the cache.

  • Puts: Total number of items put into the cache.

  • Synch: Provides the ability to temporarily change a cache to synchronize on gets. This option should only be used if directed to by technical support.

  • Log: If Cache logging is enabled for a log, that log can receive detailed information about cache puts, gets, swaps and clears. Logging is not enabled by default for all caches. Clicking on the Log box in the diagnostic screen allows you to temporarily track activity within a particular cache.

  • Clear: Removes all elements from the cache. The Clear button is suppressed for specialized protected caches, and the Clear All button likewise does not affect them.

  • Expire: Forces all items in an LRU cache to timeout (doesn't apply to other caches).

  • Note: This column shows the number of warnings about certain parameter settings or excessive logging. If there is a number in this column, the number is a hyperlink. Click the hyperlink to see the message; for example, "Excessive Logging" or "Potentially Excessive Runtime". The message is also a hyperlink. Click it for further details.

Note: Bulk Plan can warn about low hit ratios for certain App-Tier caches. See Bulk Plan Caches.

Cache Clear Utility


Clears all caches in the "Business" Zone.

Entity Bean Caches


Provides statistics for Entity Bean caches including capacity, size, gets, and hit ratio.

The following fields are used on this page:

  • Bean: Name of the Bean in the cache.
  • Count: Number of elements currently in the cache.
  • Capacity: Property driven size limit of the cache.
  • Hit Ratio: Ratio of cache Hits to cache Gets. A Hit occurs if an item is already in the cache. A Hit Ratio of 1.0 is ideal.
  • Gets: Total number of items requested from the cache.
  • Misses: Total number of Gets where the item was not already in the cache.
  • Unload: Removes all elements from the cache.
  • Verify: This checks each bean data in the entity cache against the value in the database and reports on inconsistencies
  • The following items are captured directly from WebLogic MBean Statistics. Consult WebLogic documentation for more details.
  • Locks: Weblogic MBean LockEntriesCurrentCount
  • Waiters:  Weblogic MBean WaiterCurrentCount
  • Timeouts: Weblogic MBean TimeoutTotalCount
  • Lock Ratio: Weblogic MBean
  • LockManagerAccessCount-TimeoutTotalCount)/LockManagerAccessCount

Web-Tier Caches


This utility was designed to be used in conjunction with Tech Support.

Provides statistics for web server caches including capacity, size, gets, and hit ratio.

The Remove button forces all items out of the cache. Remove is typically used when some update to data has occurred without notifying OTM (eg direct SQL update to data tables).

The Expire button removes "old" items out of the cache where "old" is defined by the expiration date. It would be used to release unneeded memory.

Properties are available that determine when an item can be expired from the cache. They are given by:

    glog.cache.<Cache Name>.timeout=<timeout in seconds>

Note that this only applies to LRU (Least Recently Used) caches and, by default, all LRU caches have an infinite timeout. Most cache capacities are small so the LRU swapping is sufficient to limit excessive memory use. The only use case where a timeout would be useful is one where the items in the cache can be very large, or the capacity of a cache is sized for an abnormal use case. In either of these cases, expiring items in the cache after a period of disuse can free up needed memory.

The Clear button clears all items from the cache.


UI Name

Relative URL


App-Tier Properties

Provides the ability to create, view, and modify business component properties. Changes are not persisted to the file. For more information see Property Screen.

Data Connections


Provides statistics on Connection Pool usage, including number of connections, failures, and waits.

Web-Tier Properties

Provides the ability to create, view, and modify UI component properties. Changes are not persisted to the file. For more information see Property Screen.


UI Name


Analyzer Report

Lets you invoke an analyzer report and either view it on the screen, or export it as an HTML file. If you do not select the Display check box, then you are prompted to save the report as an HTML file. Control the timeout for the analyzer report by using the glog.diag.analyzer.timeout property.

AWR Report

A standard Oracle database report.

The report contains Snapshot Information and SQL Statistics.

The report requires a Start Time and End Time. The Start and End times define the enclosing database snapshots used for the report. If the system cannot find at least two snapshots within the start and end times, the report cannot be produced. The generated report will be for all of the RAC nodes of the database. If the Display option is selected, then the report for each of the RAC nodes will be shown in different frames. If the Display option is not selected, you will be prompted to download a zip file which will contain individual reports for each of the RAC nodes.

The AWR report can be displayed as HTML or text. If HTML, hyperlinks are available in the Full SQL Summary to link to AWR SQL details. For text, the SQL ID from the text report can be copied into the inputs for the AWR SQL report, which is available on the Database sub-menu.

AWR SQL Detail Report See "AWR Report" above.
Database Connections The connection pool summary diagnostic.

Database Connections Diagnosis

Output for open and orphaned connections coming from the leak detector. This only permits full stack traces if the user has access to the Stack Trace - View ACL.

This is not accessible to Cloud users.

Event Management

UI Name

Relative URL


Event Queues


Provides statistics for Workflow Event processing, including current activity, processing time, and wait time.

The following columns and fields appear on the Event Queues page:

  • Time: Date and time the collection was captured.
  • Backlog: Number of events waiting to run on a thread in that group.  This indicates a backup, which may or may not be a problem.  Sometimes a backlog is just the system throttling a flood of work and preventing it from overwhelming the system.
  • Current Thread Count: Number of threads for the queue
  • Initial Thread Count: Number of threads for the queue at startup.  This can indicate if thread counts were changed while the system was running.
  • Longest Event: Information about the longest running event on that queue.  The Maximum Process Time tells you how long this event took to run
  • Process Time: Average and maximum time that events took to process on the queue.  Count is the number of events that processed on that queue (which should correlate to Throughput).  Understanding whether or not a time is too long is relative to the work.  For example, batch and report queues may have longer times, while lifetime and txComplete should be relatively quick.
  • Queue Size: Average and Maximum number of events backlogged.  A high backlog may indicate events are processing too slowly, or it may indicate the queue is simply undersized.  Increasing the queue is not always the correct solution to a backlog.
  • Threads: Indicates what is running at that time.  This is very useful to indicate if all threads are being utilized.  If the capture is taken at the correct time, the event running on the thread, in conjunction with comparing "Since" to the "Time" of the collection, it is possible to see which events may be running more slowly than others.
  • Throughput: Number of events that processed on threads for that queue.
  • Wait Time: Amount of time events waited to get a thread.  A high wait time does not necessarily indicate the queue is undersized.  If the Process Time is high, it will indicate that events are processing too slowly.
  • Last Reset Time: Date and time stats were last reset.  This is important to take into account average times, longest times, and throughput.  On the actual Event Queues screen (as opposed to the collector) there is a Reset button at the bottom of the screen.  Restarts, as well as clicking this button will reset statistics.  It is useful to reset statistics after making a change so problems prior to the change do not skew the statistics.



Provides statistics on the Mediator, which is used for Object Lock Management and Process Synchronization.

Object Locks


Provides statistics for Object Locks, including current activity, waiters, and timeouts.

Open Processes


Provides visibility to all currently open processes (running or waiting to execute).

The Release and Roll-up buttons should only be used when directed to by Support.

Release recurses up the process tree, placing each process in a Released state. Any resources acquired by each process are released. This means that object locks are released but the process is not closed. As the process finishes for real, it moves from released to closed state.

Rollup truly closes the process. If a process is truly orphaned (i.e. it's no longer running but the process object was not closed), you would need to rollup the process to free memory and get the process off of the screen. If the process is still running, you will get a state exception when it tries to close for real.

Oracle Queue Setup


Provides Oracle Advanced Queuing Management capabilities.

Note: Oracle Advanced Queueing (OAQ) is no longer supported and will not function.

Process Control


Provides the ability to schedule recurring processes.



Allows the monitoring and stopping of threads. Affected by glog.threadLocal.allowCrossThreadLookup. and glog.threadMonitor Properties. A monitored (non-workflow) thread maintains the last time it performed its primary task. This can be viewed on the Threads diagnostic screen.

The Last Active column gives duration, in seconds, since the thread last handled worked. If a thread is stuck, it will increase without bound.

Monitored threads support requests to manually stop the thread and spin up a new thread to handle the work. The stop button on the Thread diagnostic screen asks the specified thread to exit once it's able and starts a new thread to take it's place. The thread names have an index to track original versus replaced threads.

An optional poller can watch all monitored threads to see if the thread is stuck and should be automatically stopped and replaced. This poller is off by default but can be enabled by setting glog.threadMonitor.polling.

To set the stuck timeout for any individual thread, use the glog.threadMonitor.timeout.<thread name> property.

Topic Assignment


Provides a view of the workflow topics associated with each workflow queue.


UI Name

Relative URL


Domain Export


Provides the ability to export a domain to CSV files.

External System


ExternalSystemServlet acts as a dummy HTTP URL for use in External System HTTP configuration.

The servlet is mostly used to investigate the XML content which is sent out of the OTM/GTM application for particular events.

The servlet can:

- forward the content as the body of an email

- save as a file on the filesystem of the web server

- transfer over FTP to an FTP server

Note: FTP is not supported.

- create a MessageCenterTopic.

Inbound Messages


Provides statistical data on Inbound Integration activity.

Outbound Messages


Provides statistical data on outbound Integration activity.

Send Integration


Provides the ability to perform the Send Integration command on an arbitrary set of data.


UI Name

Relative URL


Active Problems


Provides statistics for FICO Xpress-Optimizer (Dash) optimization engine executions.

Problem Tester


Provides an ability to test the FICO Xpress-Optimizer (Dash) optimization engine.


UI Name

Relative URL


App-Tier Instrumentation


Provides visibility to application tier cache profiling results. This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.

App-Tier Profiling


Provides visibility to application tier performance profiling results. This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.

App-Tier Session Calls


Provides visibility to application tier performance profiling results for session bean calls. This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.

Web-Tier Instrumentation


Provides visibility to web server tier cache profiling results.  This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.

Web-Tier Profiling


Provides visibility to web server tier performance profiling results. This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.

Web-Tier Queries


Provides visibility to web tier query performance profiling results for session bean calls. This screen should only be used when directed to by Support.


UI Name

Relative URL


Report Diagnostic

Provides statistics on the number of reports generated, size of the reports, and the time spent generating the reports.

Web Report Diagnostic

Provides the same statistics as Report Diagnostics, but for Reports which were generated on the web tier.


UI Name

Relative URL


Clear Scalability Caches


Forces each server to reestablish communication with any other servers it thought were down. This action is available only to users with the Administration role.

Cluster Balance

This cluster balance provides a web server tracking routing summary, and can also be used to make sure that the weight balancing is correct between the application servers.

JMS Messages


Provides statistics on JMS Message communication.

Scalable Topics


Provides diagnostic information for Remote Topics, an advanced capability within OTM Scalability.


UI Name

Relative URL


Log Viewer


Provides the ability to query and view OTM logging, including Diagnostics, across all servers.

SQL Execution Interface


Provides a SQL client interface for testing SQL statements.

The Security Context supports specification of a user role GID. It is only visible when the Show Execution Plan check box is selected. When you are running an Execution Plan, you can specify to run the execution plan of the query with this specific user role. This could help you better understand the performance of your query in the VPD context of the role specified. Use the format: < user role GID >.

You can query an Analytics database from an SQL Execution Servlet. Select OTM/GTM or Analytics from the Target Database field before running a query. You can query GLOGOWNER, REPORTOWNER and HDOWNER tables.


UI Name

Relative URL


Producer Diagnostic


Provides statistics on the size of the XML being generated for the User Interface.

Servlet Diagnostic


Provides statistics on servlet executions including number of times accessed, average response time, and longest and shortest.

Session Diagnostic


Provide statistics on the Tomcat sessions, including the number of active, expired, and rejected sessions.


Other Utilities

These utilities are accessed by entering their URL into a browser, and are not otherwise accessible from the UI.

Diagnostic URLs

UI Name

Relative URL


User Queries


Diagnoses UI query performance. This screen displays identification and summary statistics for each group of queries.


Integration URLs

UI Name 

Servlet Name 


Batch CSV Upload


Provides the ability to upload a set of CSV files.

CSV Export


Performs the Export action of the CSV Export Utility.

Direct Integration Loading


DirLoadServlet provides a faster option than WMServlet for loading data into Oracle Transportation Management by bypassing the application server. It can be used for inserting/creating data.

Export and Import DB XML data


Exports and imports DB XML data remotely from the OTM application. See the Data Management Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details.

Inbound Integration Servlet


WMServlet is the default servlet used for processing Inbound Integration. Refer to the WMServlet section of the Integration Guide on the Oracle Help Center for more details.

XSL Transformation for Inbound Integration


TransformerServlet is used to apply an XSL transformation to an XML to convert it into a valid Transmission XML.


Utility URLs

UI Name 

Servlet Name 


Diagnostic Entity View


Entity View screen for Bulk Plan Diagnostics.

Diagnostics Viewer Filter


In Diagnostic log viewer, there is a Filter button. When you click this button, it opens a popup window using this servlet. From there you can filter the Diagnostic viewer contents by Process Name ID, Entities, Status, etc..

Mail File Retrieval


Provides external access to Mail Files that exceed a configurable maximum message size. If the message exceeds the maximum, OTM adds the message to an app-tier file cache and send the recipient a link to it. The link hits this servlet which pulls the cached file off the app server.

Remote Report View

Provides the ability to view a report which was sent out as a URL in an email.

Test Servlet


This servlet can be used to test if a web server is responsive. Responds with OK.

Tier Check


Checks to see that all three tiers (web, app and database) are up and running.

  • the web is up if the servlet is reached
  • the app is up if a call to SqlSession bean does not fail
  • the db is up if a select from dual statement succeed

If all three tiers are up, the servlet returns 1 as plain text. Otherwise it returns 0 as plain text.

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