Get Rate Offerings




Query Parameters
  • Comma-delimited string of child resource names that you want to expand so that the contents return with the parent in the same GET request.
  • Comma-delimited string of field names that you wanted returned in a GET request.
  • Positive integer value that specifies the maximum number of items returned by the server.
  • Non-negative integer values that specifies the index of the first item to be returned. The offset index begins at 0. By default, the offset is 0, which returns all items starting from the first item in the collection.
  • Comma-separated string of field names, each optionally followed by asc or desc, that specifies the order of items returned in the response payload.
  • Filter (a 'where'clause) to restrict the items returned in the collection. By default, no filtering is applied.
  • Boolean value that specifies whether to calculate the totalResults property. By default, this value is set to false indicating that totalResults is not calculated.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Default Response.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings
Type: object
Show Source
  • absoluteCostDf
    Absolute cost for digital freight rates.
  • accessorials
  • Allow Uncosted Line Items (Y/N) is used when there are one or more ratable objects on the shipment which are not charged or considered for rating when rating a shipment using rate record.
    Marked: Some basis options within a shipment pass through the rating engine without a charge if other basis options qualify. For example, if a shipment contains four line items, and a rate is found that contains charges for 3 of those items, that rate qualifies for the shipment and the fourth line item ships for free.
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type VARCHAR2 (150)
  • attributeDate1
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate10
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate2
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate3
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate4
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate5
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate6
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate7
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate8
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • attributeDate9
    Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type NUMBER
  • This field provides different options for calculating the shipments total weight and volume. "Shipment Total Dimensional Weight/Volume", the chargeable weight/volume will be calculated based on the Shipment Total Dimensional Weight/Volume. "Sum of Individual Ship Unit Dimensional Weight/Volume", the chargeable weight/volume will be calculated based on the Sum of Individual Ship Unit Dimensional Weight/Volume.
  • The GID for the capacity group.
  • Circuity Allowance Percent indicates the allowed amount of out of route distance (as a percent of the direct source to final destination distance) that is free/ before Circuitous Distance Cost are charged.
    Circuity Allowance Percent = (t/d-1)*100 where:
    t is the allowed total distance traveled between the first and last stop of the shipment.
    d is the shortest distance between the first and last stop of the shipment.
    If the allowed total distance is 1500 miles and the distance between the first and last stop is 1300 miles, Circuity Allowance Percent = (1500/1300-1)*100 = (1.15-1)*100 = 15%. The lower the percentage, the more in line the route must be.
  • circuityDistanceCost
    Circuity Distance Cost is the per distance unit charge for each unit over the included/free amount.
  • Indicates whether the percent of the total loaded distance is used to allocate the empty leg cost.
  • Indicates whether the shipments in the continuous move tour are restricted to utilize the same equipment type.
  • The maximum shipments in a continuous move tour.
  • The percentage of the empty leg cost allocated to previous shipment.
  • Container-On-Flat-Car Trailer-On-Flat-Car code used along with the Rail Inter Modal Plan to determine the rate.
  • comments
  • Indicates if the rate offering is or is not a commodity based rate offering i.e., are rates based on the classification of the freight. Values (F/C).
  • continuousMoveEndingExclusionRegions
  • continuousMoveRules
  • The GID for the corporation profile.
  • The GID for the currency.
  • This code signifies what rate is used on a leg; either 'C' for the Customer's rate, or 'S' for the Shipper's rate.
  • When to apply deficit calculations. Values are Y/N/P where Y = Yes, N = No and P = Payant Pour
  • For rate offerings where the service provider will provide multi-stop coverage, the total delivery stops constraints sets a constraint on the total number of delivery stops that the rate can be used for.
  • The GID for the DIM rate factor.
  • The unit of measure for distance.
  • documents
  • Database domain where this data is stored.
  • Providing a domain profile allows for the rate offering to be constrained to the domains in the domain profile and serves as a constraint on the rate offering.
    If none of the rate offerings have a customer domain profile constraint, then all rate offerings are returned.
    If some of the rate offerings have customer domain profiles, the rate offerings are grouped by service provider. For each service provider, only the offerings whose domain profile constraint is satisfied are returned. So, given two rate offerings, one with a constraint, and one without a constraint: if the order release domain list is compatible with the constraint, only the rate offering with the constraint is returned, otherwise, only the offering without the constraint is returned.
  • The GID for the equipment group profile.
  • The GID for the exchange rate.
  • Indicates that the rate has been marked for expiration.
  • The GID for the external rating engine.
  • Specifies the external rating engine fieldset to be used when invoking an external rating engine using our generic interface.
  • Freight all kinds rate as commodity value.
  • Freight all kinds rate as commodity. Values (Y/N).
  • The fall back rate service will be used for driving the shipment if the regular rate service is unable to drive the shipment. For example, you may typically have voyage information for two months into the future. However, sometimes a possible order will come in for three months into the future. This works for all rate inquiry types. For example, this will enable you to run rate inquiry Network Rate and Route for this order information, using the same itineraries and rates, and get answers for rate and route even though you do not have voyage information that far in the future. The parameter FALLBACK RS NUM OF DAYS determines how many days into the future to allow use of the fallback rate offering.
  • The GID for the flex commodity profile.
  • N - Applies to shipments with no hazardous items, H - Applies only to shipments with hazardous items, A - Applies to hazardous and non-hazardous shipments.
  • insertDate
    Read Only: true
    insert date
  • involvedParties
  • Indicates if the rate offering is active (Y) or inactive (N). If inactive (N) the rate offering will not be used in planning. Values (Y/N).
  • Informational indicator to identify rate offerings that are managed for a client in a 3rd party logistics provider setup. Values (Y/N).
  • If the Depot Applicable option is selected, then the depot stops (source and/or destination locations) will be saved to the shipment. If it is not selected, the depot stops will not be saved to the shipment, but they will be charged and saved to the shipment financials if it is defined in the itinerary. Values (Y/N).
  • If set to Y, then fetch rates from digital freight and use them only for tender.
  • If Y, this rate will only be applicable to direct shipments.
  • If Y then this rate will be used to fetch market rates for the shipment.
  • If 'Y', this rate offering is used for Route Execution only. For migration: old existing rate offerings migrated to the default value ('N').
  • Indicates is the rate offering is a sourcing rate offering. Sourcing rates are view only within the system. Values (Y/N).
  • Used to identify rate offerings that will be used as a rate record template for Sourcing. Values (Y/N).
  • links
  • Specifies the logic config group ID used to look up any logic parameters specified as charge multipliers.
  • maxAveragePkgWeight
    Constraint. If the total shipment weight/number of packages > this constraint, the rate will not be considered.
  • maxCircuityDistance
    The rate offering constraint that defines the maximum circuity distance for the rate offering. If this value is exceeded, the rate offering cannot be applied to the shipment. To use this field, you must have a value in the Circuity Distance Cost field. If there is no additional cost applicable, then enter a cost of 0.00.
  • The rate offering constraint that defines the maximum circuity percent for the rate offering. If this value is exceeded, the rate offering cannot be applied to the shipment. To use this field, you must have a value in the Circuity Distance Cost field. If there is no additional cost applicable, then enter a cost of 0.00.
  • maxCost
    The absolute maximum cost that applies, regardless of actual rated cost to ship.
  • Define a percentage around how much higher the carrier rates are compared to the planned cost of the shipment when using rates from digital freight.
  • maxDistanceConstraint
    The maximum distance field is intended to be used to match the rate offering with shipments. The system calculates the distance between the source and destination address of the shipment being considered, then compares that calculated distance to the maximum Distance field value to see if the rate offering matches or is below the maximum distance constraint.
  • maxGirthConstraint
    The maximum girth constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum girth constraint the rate offering does not qualify. Note: Dimensional girth is calculated as length + (2xWidth + 2xHeight).
  • maxHeightConstraint
    The maximum height constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship units' length requirements is greater than the maximum height constraint the rate offering does not qualify.
  • maxLengthConstraint
    The maximum length constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum length constraint, the rate offering does not qualify.
  • The Max Num of Shipment Segments field determines the maximum number of segments on a shipment. A segment is defined as starting when product is loaded on the equipment and ending when the equipment is completely emptied.
  • maxShipunitLinePkgWeight
    The ship unit line weight maximum is used to match with ship unit lines. This field represents the maximum value allowed by this contract for the weight of a single package.
  • maxShipUnitWeight
    The maximum ship unit weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If any ship unit on the shipment exceeds the maximum ship unit weight, this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
  • maxTenderLeadTime
    The upper bound of tender lead time. That is, if tender lead time of a shipment is bigger than this upper bound, rate would be invalid.
  • maxVolumeConstraint
    The maximum volume constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's volume is greater than the maximum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
  • maxWeightConstraint
    The maximum weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's weight is greater than the maximum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
  • maxWidthConstraint
    The maximum width constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum width constraint, the rate offering does not qualify.
  • minCost
    The Minimum Cost field stores the absolute minimum charge that applies for the rate offering.
  • minDistanceConstraint
    The minimum distance required for this rate offering to be valid.
  • minGirthConstraint
    The minimum girth constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's girth is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify. Note: Dimensional girth is calculated as length + (2xWidth + 2xHeight).
  • minHeightConstraint
    The minimum height constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's height is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
  • minLengthConstraint
    The minimum length constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
  • The absolute minimum number of stops allowed for shipments using this rate.
  • minTenderLeadTime
    The lower bound of a tender lead time. That is, if tender lead time of a shipment is less than this lower bound, rate would be invalid.
  • minVolumeConstraint
    The minimum volume constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's volume is less than the minimum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
  • minWeightConstraint
    The minimum weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's weight is less than the minimum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
  • minWidthConstraint
    The minimum width constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's width is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
  • nmfcCodeSubstitutes
  • Determines how packages are counted when testing the Maximum Average Package Weight constraint. L - Use line item package count. U - Ship unit count.
  • packageWeightMin
    Not a constraint. Weight value used when calculating total shipment minimum package weight. During rating, it will be multiplied by the number of packages on the shipment, and accessed by the Minimum Package Weight RBI.
  • The Parent Rate Offering field is used with rate maintenance. The Parent Rate Offering ID provides a way to track different versions of the rates during the approval process. To compare rate versions, you must specify either a parent rate offering ID or parent rate record ID on any template rate offerings or rate records.
  • Indicates if the rate offering can be used for Buy shipment rating (B) or Sell shipment rating (S) or if the rate offering supports Both Buy and Sell shipment rating (A). Values (B/S/A).
  • For rate offerings where the service provider will provide multi-stop coverage, the total pickup stops constraints sets a constraint on the total number of pickup stops that the rate can be used for.
  • The GID for the rail inter-modal plan. I.e., Plan 20: door-to-door, Plan 25: ramp-to-ramp, etc.
  • The GID for rate classification.
  • The GID for rate distance.
  • The GID for the rate group.
  • Stores descriptive information about the rate offering.
  • The GID for the rate offering.
  • System generated unique identifier for a rate offering. Internal use only.
  • The GID for the rate offering type.
  • The XID for the rate offering.
  • The GID for rate quantity.
  • rateRulesAndTerms
  • The GID for the rate service.
  • The GID for the rate version.
  • For some time-based rates, the shipment cost calculated during bulk plan and build shipment process may need to be recalculated since it is time dependent. The Recalculate Cost option is used to force the recalculating of cost after a shipment is built. This option works in conjunction with the Rerate All Shipments After Bulk Plan parameter as follows. If the Recalculate Cost is set, planning logic will make sure to account for service time-based rating costs when making planning decisions, and that this has the potential for increasing run-time.
    If Rerate All Shipments After Bulk Plan is TRUE, shipments will be re-rated regardless of the Recalculate Cost check box.
    If Rerate All Shipments After Bulk Plan is FALSE and the Recalculate Cost check box is selected, then the system recalculates the shipment cost keeping the same service provider and equipment.
    If Rerate All Shipments After Bulk Plan is FALSE and the Recalculate Cost option check box is cleared, then the shipment cost is not recalculated.
  • The Region Group field is an informational region group that allows you to define a set of regions that represent the regions covered by the rate offering.
  • remarks
  • rmAbsoluteMinCost
    The Absolute Minimum Base Charge field determines the minimum charge that applies regardless of discounted savings.
  • The time period definition (if any) assigned to the rate offering for the purposes of tiered rating.
  • Determines when to apply the rounding rules. Values are A/N/C/O where A=always, N=never, C=conditionals only, and O=cost calculations only.
  • Determines which kinds of fields will be affected by the rounding settings during costing. Values are 0-7, where 0=all fields, 1=none, 2=numeric fields only, 3=unit fields (weight, etc.), 4=currency, 5=numeric and unit fields, 6=numeric and currency fields, and 7=unit and currency fields.
  • Numbers will be rounded (or truncated) to the nearest increment of this value.
  • The type of rounding that will occur during rating. Value are: N=no rounding, I=round to nearest interval, F=floor, and C=ceiling.
  • The GID for the service provider.
  • smcDiscounts
  • specialServices
  • stopRates
  • The Stops Included in Rate field indicates the number of free stops included in the rate offering before stop-off charges apply. The source and destination locations count as stops so, typically, the minimum number of stops included in the rate is 2. Additional charges apply for all stops not included in the rate.
  • Tariff Agency Code is an informational field that can be used to store the service provider SCAC or initials of the entity who owns the tariff such as the Railroad Publication Service.
  • tariffEffectiveDate
    The Tariff Effective Date is an informational field that stores the date when the tariff goes into effect or can be used. This is not the rate offering effective date.
  • The Tariff Issuing Carrier field is an informational field that is meant to store information from the service provider related to the tariff. Examples are C, JQ, SCQ, QTAMR, UPLQ, BNQ, X, BC, NSPQ.
  • The Tariff Name fields allows you to put the name of the tariff that the rate offering is related to. For example, if this is a base rate offering you can put the name of the tariff that the rate offering is based on/is using.
  • Tariff Pub Authority is an informational field that can be used to store the rate offerings related tariff publication authority.
  • Tariff Refnum is an informational field that can be used to store the rate offerings related tariff number. The Tariff Refnum should be qualified by the Tariff Refnum Qualifier.
  • Tariff Refnum Qualifier is an informational field that allows you to qualify the Tariff Ref Num field. For example you can qualify the Tariff Ref Num fields with the Tariff Refnum Qualifier fields using standard qualifier that describe the relationship of the shipper and service provider regarding the prices related to the rate offering. The property determines if tariff fields are automatically copied from a rate offering to a shipment.
  • Tariff Refnum Suffix is a suffix field for the tariff reference number.
  • The Tariff Reg Agency Code is an informational field that is meant to store information about the regulatory agency that the rates are fled with. For example the STB (Surface Transportation Board) or ICC) Interstate Commerce Commission.
  • The Tariff Supplement ID field is an informational field that is meant to provide information related to tariff amendments, revisions, or supplements of the rate authority.
  • For rate offerings where the service provider will provide multi-stop coverage, the total stops constraints sets a constraint on the total number of stops (pickup and delivery) that the rate can be used for.
  • The Track Capacity Usage field when set to Y, and the Capacity Group field if provided, causes the system to track capacity usage during the planning process.
    If the Track Capacity Usage is N or the Capacity Group field is blank, the system will not track capacity usage during the planning process. Values (Y/N).
  • The GID for the transport mode.
  • updateDate
    Read Only: true
    update date
  • The user classification fields are provided to capture information about the rate offering's usage. VARCHAR2(30)
  • The user classification fields are provided to capture information about the rate offering's usage. VARCHAR2(30)
  • The user classification fields are provided to capture information about the rate offering's usage. VARCHAR2(30)
  • The user classification fields are provided to capture information about the rate offering's usage. VARCHAR2(30)
  • If Y, the build shipment logic will invoke the rating engine a second time, restricting it's search to TACT rates only, and apply the result to the shipment as a display rate.
  • If Y, the build shipment logic will invoke the rating engine a second time, restricting it's search to TACT rates only, and apply the result.
  • If Y, the build shipment logic will invoke the rating engine a second time, restricting it's search to TACT rates only, and apply the result.
  • The unit of measure for volume.
  • The GID for the weight break profile.
  • The unit of measure for weight.
Nested Schema : absoluteCostDf
Absolute cost for digital freight rates.
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Nested Schema : accessorials
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : attributeDate1
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate10
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate2
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate3
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate4
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate5
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate6
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate7
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate8
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : attributeDate9
Attribute fields (flexfields) allow you to add additional information about an object. Data Type Date
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Nested Schema : circuityDistanceCost
Circuity Distance Cost is the per distance unit charge for each unit over the included/free amount.
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Nested Schema : comments
Type: object
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Nested Schema : continuousMoveEndingExclusionRegions
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : continuousMoveRules
Type: object
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Nested Schema : documents
Type: object
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Nested Schema : insertDate
Read Only: true
insert date
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Nested Schema : involvedParties
Type: object
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Nested Schema : maxAveragePkgWeight
Constraint. If the total shipment weight/number of packages > this constraint, the rate will not be considered.
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Nested Schema : maxCircuityDistance
The rate offering constraint that defines the maximum circuity distance for the rate offering. If this value is exceeded, the rate offering cannot be applied to the shipment. To use this field, you must have a value in the Circuity Distance Cost field. If there is no additional cost applicable, then enter a cost of 0.00.
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Nested Schema : maxCost
The absolute maximum cost that applies, regardless of actual rated cost to ship.
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Nested Schema : maxDistanceConstraint
The maximum distance field is intended to be used to match the rate offering with shipments. The system calculates the distance between the source and destination address of the shipment being considered, then compares that calculated distance to the maximum Distance field value to see if the rate offering matches or is below the maximum distance constraint.
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Nested Schema : maxGirthConstraint
The maximum girth constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum girth constraint the rate offering does not qualify. Note: Dimensional girth is calculated as length + (2xWidth + 2xHeight).
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Nested Schema : maxHeightConstraint
The maximum height constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship units' length requirements is greater than the maximum height constraint the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : maxLengthConstraint
The maximum length constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum length constraint, the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : maxShipunitLinePkgWeight
The ship unit line weight maximum is used to match with ship unit lines. This field represents the maximum value allowed by this contract for the weight of a single package.
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Nested Schema : maxShipUnitWeight
The maximum ship unit weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If any ship unit on the shipment exceeds the maximum ship unit weight, this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
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Nested Schema : maxTenderLeadTime
The upper bound of tender lead time. That is, if tender lead time of a shipment is bigger than this upper bound, rate would be invalid.
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Nested Schema : maxVolumeConstraint
The maximum volume constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's volume is greater than the maximum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
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Nested Schema : maxWeightConstraint
The maximum weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's weight is greater than the maximum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
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Nested Schema : maxWidthConstraint
The maximum width constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length requirements is greater than the maximum width constraint, the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : minCost
The Minimum Cost field stores the absolute minimum charge that applies for the rate offering.
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Nested Schema : minDistanceConstraint
The minimum distance required for this rate offering to be valid.
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Nested Schema : minGirthConstraint
The minimum girth constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's girth is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify. Note: Dimensional girth is calculated as length + (2xWidth + 2xHeight).
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Nested Schema : minHeightConstraint
The minimum height constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's height is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : minLengthConstraint
The minimum length constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's length is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : minTenderLeadTime
The lower bound of a tender lead time. That is, if tender lead time of a shipment is less than this lower bound, rate would be invalid.
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Nested Schema : minVolumeConstraint
The minimum volume constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's volume is less than the minimum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
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Nested Schema : minWeightConstraint
The minimum weight constraint is used when matching rate offerings with shipments. If a shipment's weight is less than the minimum value, then this rate offering does not qualify for the shipment in question.
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Nested Schema : minWidthConstraint
The minimum width constraint is used when matching the rate offering to a shipment. If a ship unit's width is less than the minimum, the rate offering does not qualify.
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Nested Schema : nmfcCodeSubstitutes
Type: object
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Nested Schema : packageWeightMin
Not a constraint. Weight value used when calculating total shipment minimum package weight. During rating, it will be multiplied by the number of packages on the shipment, and accessed by the Minimum Package Weight RBI.
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Nested Schema : rateRulesAndTerms
Type: object
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Nested Schema : remarks
Type: object
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Nested Schema : rmAbsoluteMinCost
The Absolute Minimum Base Charge field determines the minimum charge that applies regardless of discounted savings.
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Nested Schema : smcDiscounts
Type: object
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Nested Schema : specialServices
Type: object
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Nested Schema : stopRates
Type: object
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Nested Schema : tariffEffectiveDate
The Tariff Effective Date is an informational field that stores the date when the tariff goes into effect or can be used. This is not the rate offering effective date.
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Nested Schema : updateDate
Read Only: true
update date
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Nested Schema : currencyType
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.accessorials
Type: object
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Nested Schema : dateTimeType
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.comments
Type: object
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Nested Schema : commentDate
The date and time the comment was entered for the rate offering.
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.continuousMoveEndingExclusionRegions
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.continuousMoveRules
Type: object
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  • Database domain where this data is stored.
  • freeEmptyDistance
    The free distance allowed between shipments in a continuous move tour.
  • links
  • maxConnectionTime
    The Max Connection Time field defines the maximum time allowed when planning any pair of consecutive shipments for inclusion in a continuous move tour. The connection time of any pair of consecutive shipments in a continuous move cannot exceed the max connection time. Connection time is defined as the time between the end of the first shipment being considered and the start of the second shipment
  • maxEmptyDistance
    The Max Empty Distance field defines the maximum empty distance that is allowed when planning any pair of consecutive shipments for inclusion in a continuous move tour. The maximum empty distance provides a way to limit the distance travelled to link shipments into a continuous move tour. If this field is not populated, shipments will be qualified for the same continuous move tour regardless of the distance required to connect them.
  • Max Empty Distance (%) is used to disqualify shipments that are too short in comparison to the distance travelled to include the shipment in the continuous move tour.
    Max Empty Distance (%) = 100*E/L, where
    E = Max Empty Distance
    L = Line Haul Distance of the shipment
  • maxTimeAfterDeliv
    The maximum amount of time allowed between the last delivery of one shipment to the pickup of the next shipment. To create a continuous move, the second shipment must be picked up within a certain amount of time after the delivery of the preceding shipment. If this field is left blank, there is no time limit.
  • minLinehaulDistance
    Shipments that are less than the minimum linehaul distance will not be considered for continuous moves/continuous move rates.
  • The GID for the X Lane.
Nested Schema : freeEmptyDistance
The free distance allowed between shipments in a continuous move tour.
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Nested Schema : maxConnectionTime
The Max Connection Time field defines the maximum time allowed when planning any pair of consecutive shipments for inclusion in a continuous move tour. The connection time of any pair of consecutive shipments in a continuous move cannot exceed the max connection time. Connection time is defined as the time between the end of the first shipment being considered and the start of the second shipment
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Nested Schema : maxEmptyDistance
The Max Empty Distance field defines the maximum empty distance that is allowed when planning any pair of consecutive shipments for inclusion in a continuous move tour. The maximum empty distance provides a way to limit the distance travelled to link shipments into a continuous move tour. If this field is not populated, shipments will be qualified for the same continuous move tour regardless of the distance required to connect them.
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Nested Schema : maxTimeAfterDeliv
The maximum amount of time allowed between the last delivery of one shipment to the pickup of the next shipment. To create a continuous move, the second shipment must be picked up within a certain amount of time after the delivery of the preceding shipment. If this field is left blank, there is no time limit.
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Nested Schema : minLinehaulDistance
Shipments that are less than the minimum linehaul distance will not be considered for continuous moves/continuous move rates.
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Nested Schema : amountType
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.documents
Type: object
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Nested Schema : effectiveDate
represents effective date for a document
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Nested Schema : expirationDate
Represents expiration date for a document.
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Nested Schema : generatedAt
If preparation, date/time content was last generated
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Nested Schema : uploadedAt
If attachment, date/time content was last updated
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Nested Schema : dateType
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.involvedParties
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.nmfcCodeSubstitutes
Type: object
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  • Database domain where this data is stored.
  • links
  • Records additional information about the rate cost. This description will appear as the shipment cost type on the Financial tab of the Shipment Manager when this rate cost is applied to a shipment. If this field is left blank, a default shipment cost type appears such as Base or Discount.
  • Low National Motor Freight Classification value used for defining a rate as classification record.
  • The National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) fields allow you to apply a specific NMFC based rate using a range of NMFC classes. For example, if you want anything between the NMFC class of 45 and 65 to use the 55 NMFC class rate, then you would enter 45 in the NMFC Low field, 65 in the NMFC High field, and 55 in the Rate As NMFC Class field. Note: The NMFC Low and High fields are inclusive, meaning they follow a "greater than or equal to" and a "less than or equal to" pattern respectively. Using the above example, 45 and 65 are included in the ranges.
  • The GID for the related rate geo for the rate as table of values.
  • Internal sequence number for different row entries.
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.rateRulesAndTerms
Type: object
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  • Database domain where this data is stored.
  • links
  • Provides a place to store the description of the rule. For example, "Freight that is undeliverable due to error or omission on the part of the shipper, consignee, or owner or for which no disposition instructions have been provided shall be considered unclaimed/abandoned."
  • Rules and Terms is used to store information about the rate offering. The rule number or rule/term identifies the rule being defined. For example, "Rule 921".
  • Rule title provides a brief description of the rule being defined. For example, "UNCLAIMED/ABANDONED FREIGHT"
Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.remarks
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.smcDiscounts
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.specialServices
Type: object
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Nested Schema : accessorials
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.specialServices.accessorials
Type: object
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Nested Schema : items
Type: array
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Nested Schema : rateOfferings.stopRates
Type: object
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  • Database domain where this data is stored.
  • Stop off charges are typically defined for truckload rates. In most cases, the base rate includes the pickup stop and the first delivery stop. The rate may also support the option of performing addition stops, but at an additional per stop charge. The additional per stop charges are often specified in a ranges i.e., for stops 3 to 5 the per stop charge is X for stops 6 to 7 the per stop charge is Y per stop.
    The high stop field defines the high end of the range for stop off charges.
  • links
  • Stop off charges are typically defined for truckload rates. In most cases, the base rate includes the pickup stop and the first delivery stop. The rate may also support the option of performing addition stops, but at an additional per stop charge. The additional per stop charges are often specified in a ranges i.e., for stops 3 to 5 the per stop charge is X for stops 6 to 7 the per stop charge is Y per stop.
    The low stop fields defines the low end of the range for stop off charges.
  • perStopCost
    The per stop charge for the low high range being defined.
Nested Schema : perStopCost
The per stop charge for the low high range being defined.
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