Release 22A Schema Change History

Changes to Finance.xsd

Reference Description
33389309 Add AllocSeqNo and AllocCostSeqnoforAllocReleaseDetail, AllocReleaseLineDetail and AllocTransOrderLineDetail

Changes to GenericTransaction.xsd

Reference Description
33440182 Add LegPosition forRIQQuery

Changes to GTM.xsd

Reference Description
33087520 Add GtmStructureValue for GtmTransactionLine

Add CountryOfExport for GtmTransaction

Add CountryOfExport and CountryOfImport for GtmTransactionLine

33401487 Add CountryOfImport for GtmTransaction

Changes to Item.xsd

Reference Description

Add CountryOfImport, RVCPercentage, MinOpsMet, ROOAttribute, WhollyOriginated, and ItemQualificationConditionsfor ItemQualification

Add ItemQualificationConditionType

Changes to LocationContact.xsd

Reference Description
33294179 Add MaximumShipUnitsAllowed for ApptRuleSet

Changes to Order.xsd

Reference Description
33247081 Add TrackingEvents to Release
33285472 IsTemporary for OrderMovement is deprecated and will be removed in a future release

Add AllocSeqNo and AllocCostSeqno forReleaseAllocShipmentDetail

Add AllocSeqNo for ReleaseAllocShipment

33377234 Add Status for TransOrder

Changes to OTMGTM.xsd

Reference Description
33010468 A new XML schema definition - OTMGTM.xsd - has been added to consolidate the separate schema files into one root document

Changes to Shipment.xsd

Reference Description
33098106 Add ConditionalSpotBid For TenderResponse
33223416 Add Flexfields for Vessel
33418108 Add IsDirect and FlightInstanceId for ConditionalBooking
33439216 Add IsAirRailRouteCodeFixed for Shipment
33440029 Add WaybillDate for Shipment

Changes to ShipUnit.xsd

Reference Description
33001302 Add IsFixedEruCount and SShipUnitEquipRefUnit to ShipUnit
33195905 Make TotalNumReferenceUnits optional for EquipmentRefUnit