Release 24B Added Element Definitions


XML Element Type Description
GtmProdClassPurposeGid E The purpose of classification like GENERAL, SPECIAL PROGRAM, PENALTY, EXEMPTION, etc.


XML Element Type Description
GtmStructureGid E (Outbound) Identifier for the bill of material.


XML Element Type Description
TruckCenterLength E The length between the centers of the two truck/bogie systems. Applicable only to rail cars.
TruckCount E The total number of trucks/bogies on the equipment. Applicable only to rail cars.
TotalAxleCount E The total number of axles on the equipment. Applicable only to rail cars.
MaxAxleWeight E Maximum allowed axle weight. Applicable only to rail cars.
TruckAWeight E Calculated weight on the truck/bogie A. A represents the bogie nearest to the origin of the equipment group. Applicable only to rail cars.
TruckAAxleWeight E Calculated axle weight on the truck/bogie A. A represents the bogie nearest to the origin of the equipment group. Applicable only to rail cars.
TruckBWeight E Calculated weight on the truck/bogie B. B represents the bogie at the end of the equipment group. Applicable only to rail cars.
TruckBAxleWeight E Calculated axle weight on the truck/bogie B. B represents the bogie at the end of the equipment group. Applicable only to rail cars.
AxleWeightImbalance E Denotes the ratio between the calculated axles weights. Applicable only to rail cars.