

The following mappings will help you understand what column names in the UI you can map for a particular label or document. You can also use mappings with expressions to assist you in determining what column names you can pull from for your label.

Mapping Details

Outbound LPN, Order, Task Allocated or Higher Status

'allocation', 'container', 'order header', 'order detail', 'order type','order status', 'carrier lpn', 'standard carrier', 'standard service service','standard service type', 'ship via', 'company', 'facility', 'item','payment method', 'lpn type', 'pallet', 'load', 'out bound stop','out bound stop detail', 'carrier', 'task', 'allocation run header', 'item', 'item characteristics', 'item metrics', 'item struct', 'item group definition','work order header', 'work order kit', 'work order component', 'work order status', 'work order type', 'work order activity type', 'in bound shipment', 'putaway type', 'inventory'

Order Less Than Allocated Status

'order header', 'company', 'facility', 'order status', 'order type', 'work order kit', 'work order component', 'order detail', 'item', 'item struct','item group definition', 'item characteristics', 'item metrics', 'item assignment type'


'location', 'item', 'item characteristics', 'item metrics', 'item struct', 'item group definition', 'item assignment type', 'replenishment zone', 'task zone', 'inventory lock', 'location size type', 'location type', 'mhe system'


'item', 'item characteristics','item metrics', 'item struct', 'item group definition'

Price Label

'price label'

In Bound Shipment

'in bound shipment', 'company', 'facility', 'load', 'inventory lock', 'in bound shipment detail','item', 'item characteristics','item metrics', 'purchase order header', 'purchase order detail','putaway type'

In Bound Shipment Detail

'in bound shipment detail', 'in bound shipment', 'item', 'item characteristics', 'item metrics','purchase order header', 'purchase order detail', 'putaway type', 'company', 'facility','load', 'inventory lock', 'inventory attribute', 'container in bound shipment detail cross reference', 'container','pallet', 'batch', 'inventory'

In Bound LPN

'container', 'in bound shipment', 'inventory', 'container in bound shipment detail cross reference', 'item', 'item characteristics','item metrics', 'inventory attribute', 'item struct', 'item group definition', 'harmonized tariff','uom', 'batch number', 'pallet', 'putaway type', 'asset', 'inventory lock', 'in bound shipment detail','purchase order header', 'purchase order detail', 'load'

Serial Number

'serial nbr', 'company', 'facility', 'item', 'item struct', 'item group definition', 'item characteristics','item metrics'

Serial Number Inventory

'serial nbr inventory', 'serial nbr', 'inventory', 'company', 'facility', 'item', 'item struct','item group definition', 'item characteristics', 'item metrics', 'inventory attribute'

Work Order Header

'work order header', 'work order kit', 'work order component', 'company', 'facility', 'item','item struct', 'item group definition', 'item characteristics','item metrics', 'work order status','work order type', 'work order activity type', 'inventory attribute', 'order header', 'order detail','location', 'uom', 'order status', 'batch number'

Inventory – UOM Case, UOM Pack

‘inventory’, ‘item’