Application Permissions

Making a request to lgfapi not only requires user authorization, but also one or more of the CRUD application-level permission to access the supported HTTP methods. These are configurable in the user’s group-level permissions.

  • “lgfapi_read_access” – GET, HEAD
  • “lgfapi_create_access” – POST
    Note: this access is also required in order to run resource operations.
  • “lgfapi_update_access” – PATCH
  • “lgfapi_delete_access” – DELETE

It’s recommended to create dedicated user(s) with appropriate lgfapi permissions and different facility/company eligibility to protect the integrity of your data. For instance, it is safe to give users read access but may not be appropriate to grant them permission to create or modify data.

The legacy API permission, “can_run_ws_stage_interface”, has been replaced by the new permission, “lgfapi_update_access”. This permission now applies to both lgfapi and the legacy APIs. For legacy API’s, this is the singular permission required to access all APIs. For lgfapi, this is one of several new permissions used to control user access.