These read-only HTTP methods allow the user to pass additional information about the request in the URI. This data is sent as key-value pairs and starts with a question mark (“?”) at the end of the main URI. This section of the URI is known as the “query string”. Each key-value pair is known as a “parameter”. It is used to provide additional information to the resource. Parameters are delimited by an equals sign (“=”), and multiple parameters are delimited by an ampersand (“&”). The order of the parameters does not matter.

URL Encoding

In general, URIs only allow ASCII values, however there are specific cases like with internationalized domain names (IDN) where non-ASCII characters may be used in the domain name. For the purposes of communicating data using query string parameters in lgfapi, you cannot directly send non-ASCII (unsafe) characters. Also, some characters like spaces, “=”, and “&” have a specific meaning when sent in the query string section of the URI and are reserved. In order to handle unsafe characters and to distinguish between data and reserved characters that have special meaning in a URI, the URI must be “URL Encoded”. This encoding replaces non-ACII and reserved characters parameter data with ASCII equivalents. This is also known as “Percent Encoding” since each unsafe character is replaced with a value starting with percent sign (“%”). All parameter values should be URL encoded to ensure correct transmission.

For example, the query string: “foo=Mañana” is URL encoded as “foo= %20Ma%C3%B1ana”. A URI cannot have a space so that is encoded to the value “%20”. The Spanish letter “ñ” is not a valid ASCII value and is encoded as “%C3%B1”. Once the data reaches the server, it is decoded back to the original characters. The key portion of each parameter is determined by the application and therefore will never contain unsafe characters.

See for more information.

It is possible to repeat the same parameter within the query string. However, lgfapi will only observe the final occurrence of the parameter in order to obtain a value. For example, given the query string “?code=A&code=B”, the interpreted value of the “code” parameter will be “B”. The “A” value is discarded. There is no use case for transmitting repeated parameters as the desired result is achieved through other module-specific query string mechanisms.