
Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud supports multiple standard communication mechanisms in addition to client specific custom ones. Standard data formats are XML and flat files. Standard communication methods are Web Services (XML data) or secure FTP (SFTP) for XML or flat files.

Note: To access the latest Interface Specifications, go to the Oracle WMS Cloud Information Center From the top of the page, click on the Documentation tab at the top, then click the link under Current Documentation.
Note: WMS Cloud no longer hosts an SFTP site, though it has the capability to get and put files from and to an external SFTP site via scheduled jobs.

REST WebService XML Payload Size: We recommend XML payloads no larger than 10MB, and preferably less than 5MB, to minimize performance issues. You can achieve this by splitting a data payload into multiple requests. Multiple interface requests can be made in parallel, but we recommend less than 10 simultaneously. The size of output interface payloads sent via REST WebServices can be controlled via the data filtering feature in output interfaces config. Payload limits on the output side, are more dictated by the target system, however there is a hard limit of 20MB in WMS Cloud and it is recommended that payloads be no larger than 10MB.

All languages are supported. We recommend that you use Web Services rather than SFTP as it offers several advantages. It is recommended that UTF-8 encoding is used for data in order to have the widest language compatibility, but other encodings are supported as well such as latin-1 (for western European languages only).

Whichever encoding is chosen must be configured in the Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud system so that data is interpreted accurately. If you have further question please contact The Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud services and support team.