Purge Process

This process purges data from WMS Activity Track that are older than a specified number of days and are either in SUCCESS or ERROR status.

There are 3 parts to this purge process. The first part mainly focuses on purging records with errors. The following four facility parameters are used for this purge: PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS, PURGE_UNKNOWN_SKU, PURGE_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and PURGE_UNKNOWN_USER.

PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS is used to determine how many days worth data needs to be retained in WMS Activity Track Record. PURGE_UNKNOWN_SKU, PURGE_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION and PURGE_UNKNOWN_USER can accept values Y or N.

  • If PURGE_UNKNOWN_SKU is set to Y, then records older than PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS from current date, in ERROR status and a value populated in “Unknown SKU Line” field are purged
  • If PURGE_UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION is set to Y, then records older than PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS from current date, in ERROR status and a value populated in “Unknown Transaction” field are purged
  • If PURGE_UNKNOWN_USER is set to Y, then records older than PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS from current date, in ERROR status and a value populated in “Unknown User” field are purged.
    Note: After the WMS WFM DB merge, it is unlikely that there would error-ed records due to unknown user)

The second part of the purge process focuses on records that moved successfully to Track Record. For this purge, only the PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS facility parameter is used. Records older than PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS from current date and in SUCCESS status are purged.

The third part of purge process focuses on invalid data. Records should either have values in Unknown fields or their counterparts. If a record does not have value in both, it is considered to be invalid data. For example, in the table below, rows 1, 2 and 3 represent valid data. Rows 4, 5 and 6 represent invalid data.

Valid and Invalid Data
Such invalid records are purged regardless of their status as long as they are older than PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS from current date.
Note: It's possible such data may never land into WFM, but this step ensures clearing out any bad data in case it somehow lands in WFM)
Note: If the PURGE_NUMBER_OF_DAYS parameter is not provided, the value is defaulted to 30.