Ctrl Key for Printing

  1. When the screen parameter “print-labels” is configured with one of the supported values in the receiving modules Receive by Load or Receive by Shipment, then the first screen (Shipment/Load screen) and the second screen (SKU scan screen) displays the Ctrl-P key to initiate printing. The Ctrl- P key will only display if “print-labels” is configured.

    Ctrl P on Shipment Screen
  2. When you press the Ctrl-P key, you are presented with a screen that displays the default printer (if configured) for the user. Depending on the configuration of the “print-labels” screen parameter, there will be prompts for LPN, Case, Pack, LPN and Case, AND LPN and Pack as illustrated by the following figures:

    print-label” = Inbound LPN Label

    “print-label” = UOM Case Label

    print-label” = Inbound Pack Label

  3. After you enter a printer on the Label Printer prompt, the system remembers to print on this printer until you exit out of the receiving option. You can press Ctrl-P again to see the selected printer at the Printer prompt. You also have the option to select a different printer on this screen.

    Select Printer
  4. If printer is not selected in any of the above scenarios, the default printer will be used to print labels. If a default printer has not been configured, then labels will not be printed.