Output Interfaces

When configured, the MHE Distribution Information or To MHE IBLPN Information Output Interfaces send information to MHE.

The following table provides more detail about these two output interfaces, and the trigger points for each:

Output Interface Description Filename Trigger Points
To MHE Distribution Info

Tells you the requirement for SKU quantities by destination facility at the wave level.

This output interface sends the data elements required in xml_data or flat_data for sending facility distribution information to MHE.

For XML Format DMX For One Line format DMI Wave Template UI Auto release MHE message flag
Wave Inquiry UI In the Wave Inquiry UI, you can generate an MHE Distribution information message manually via the Release MHE Messages button.
RF Receiving transaction Parameter generate-distro-message should be set to Yes.
RF Distribute LPN Parameter generate-distro-message should be set to Yes
IBLPN UI Generate MHE Distribution message button

Tells you what the requirement is by SKU, physically sending sku, quantity, and what LPN sku is coming on - information to MHE systems.

This output interface sends information about the inbound LPN to be distributed by MHE system.

For XML Format ILX For One Line format ILI RF Pick IBLPN
  • Message is sent after user close LPN. They must have : Facility Parameter MHE_ENABLED flag should be set to "Yes".
  • Allocations present on Inbound LPN should be of type "Alloc type: Internal Bulk Pick/Task Type: INTERNAL-PICK".
  • Open Allocations present on the LPN should have MHE system code populated. Go to the Wave Inquiry UI, click the Allocation button, look at field MHE System
  • Go to MHE system configuration- Search for the MHE System - find the MHE Type. Go to MHE message configuration - search the MHE type and associated mhe message type for_LGF-Send IB LPN-info-Active Flag= yes
  • Message is sent after user close LPN. They must have Facility Parameter MHE_ENABLED flag set to "Yes".
  • Allocations present on Inbound LPN should be of type "Alloc type: Internal Bulk Pick/Task Type :INTERNAL-PICK".
  • Open Allocations present on the LPN should have MHE system code populated. From the Wave Inquiry UI – click the Allocation button- look at field MHE System.
  • Go to MHE system configuration- Search for the MHE System - find the MHE Type. Go to MHE message configuration - search the MHE type and associated mhe message type for_LGF-Send IB LPN-info-Active Flag= yes
RF Receiving
  • Generation of to_mhe_ib_lpn_info message should get triggered once LPN is allocated for flow through, while performing receiving.
  • If Receiving program is configured to generate to_mhe_distribution_info message, to_mhe_ib_lpn_info message should get generated once to_mhe_distribution_info message is generated. Facility Parameter MHE_ENABLED flag ="Yes".
  • Allocations present on Inbound LPN should be of "Alloc Type: Distribute LPN" or "Alloc type: Internal Bulk Pick/Task Type PICKLPN-INTERNL"
  • Open Allocations present on the LPN should have MHE system code populated- Go to theWave Inquiry UI – click Allocation button - look at field MHE system.
  • Go to MHE system configuration- Search for the MHE System - find the MHE Type. Go to MHE message configuration - search the MHE type and associated mhe message type for_LGF-Send IB LPN-info-Active Flag= yes
RF Distribute LPN parameter "mhe-system-code" must be populated. From MHE system configuration, search for the MHE System code, and find the MHE Type. Go to MHE message configuration - search the MHE type and associated mhe message type for_LGF-Send IB LPN-info-Active Flag= yes
IBLPN UI Generate MHE IB LPN Info Msg button
Wave Pick Info The Wave Pick Info interface sends Wave Allocation information to the MHE system. WOA Wave Inquiry UI From the Wave Inquiry UI, click the Release Wave Pick Info button to sent the wave allocation information.
Wave Template UI "auto release pick info" flag should be set to yes.