Custom Menu Setup

Custom Menu Setup is required if new custom UI and RF menus are required for specific users/groups of users (i.e. Super User Menu, Inbound User Menu, Inventory Control Menu etc…)
  • Existing Menus at the 3PL Parent Level can be used for users at the 3PL Parent Level (SuperUsers)
  • Existing Menus for a specific existing client company can be used for users created at the specific client company level across different facilities
  • For new companies: new users created at the new company level will require a new menu to be created if a custom menu is needed

All required screens/modules will need to be added in the Screen Configuration UI before they can get added to a menu. Required screens can be added as configuration is being done.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
UI Modules/Screens Set Up Screen Configuration

Login under Parent Company Level to add screens at the 3PL Parent level (for menus at Parent level)

Login under the specific Child Company Level to add screens at the Client Company level (for menus at client company level)

  1. Login at the specific level required to add UI Modules.
  2. In the Screen Configuration UI, add all required Modules.
Note: Some UI Modules may already be available to add to menus.
UI Menu Set Up Menu Configuration

Login under Parent Company Level to add screens at the 3PL Parent level

Login under the specific Child Company Level to add screens at the Client Company level

  1. Login at the specific level required.
  2. In the Menu Configuration UI, create Menu with correct type = UI.
  3. Select the menu created and under the 'Details', add all required screens for the menu.
  4. Save all changes when done.
RF Screens Setup

Screen Configuration

See the RF Parameters Document for more details.

Login under Parent Company Level to add screens at the 3PL Parent level

*Login under the specific Child Company Level to add screens at the Client Company level

  1. Login at the specific level required to add RF Transactions.
  2. In the Screen Configuration UI, add all required RF Transactions.
    Note: Some RF Transactions may already be available to add to menus.
  3. Configure the RF Parameters for each RF Transaction correspondingly based on flow requirements.
RF Menu Setup Menu Configuration

Login under Parent Company Level to add screens at the 3PL Parent level

Login under the specific Child Company Level to add screens at the Client Company level

  1. Login at the specific level required.
  2. In the Menu Configuration UI, create Menu with correct type = RF.
  3. Select the Menu created and under the 'Details', add all required RF Transactions for the menu.
  4. Save all changes when done.