Item Prepack Setup

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Individual Items Set Up Item Master Prepacks or Kits The prepack or kit in WMS is defined as a Parent Prepack Item which contains one or more Individual Items with specific ratios. Individual Prepack Items (Child Items) must be created before a prepack/kit can be created.
  1. Set up Item Master by following sub tasks of Item Master Set Up above
Parent Item Prepack Set Up - Host Aware Item Master & Item Pre-Pack A parent item represents the identifier for prepacks (group/assortment of items) that can be considered as one comprehensive item. Host aware Parent Items are prepacks recognized by the client's host system. For Parent Items to be aware they have to be created in the item master as items prior to setting up prepacks.
  1. Set up Item Master with all Prepack Items by following the sub-tasks of Item Master Set Up above
  2. Using the Item Prepack interface, enter:
    • Parent Item Alternate Code in 'Parent_item_code' and/or Parent Item parts set up in Item Master
Parent Item Prepack Set Up - Non Host Aware Item Master A parent item represents the identifier for prepacks (group/assortment of items) that can be considered as one comprehensive item. Non Host aware Parent Items are prepacks not recognized by the client's host system. In this case, communication with host system will be done at the child item level while WMS Operations can be done at both the parent and child level. Non Host aware Parent Items do not need to be set up in the Item Master prior to configuring prepacks. Using the Prepack Interface:
  1. Create the Prepack Parent item by entering a parent item code in 'Prepack Code'
Note: Parent_item_code and Parent parts fields do not need to be populated. This will create the Parent as a non-host aware item in the item master.
Prepack Child Items Set Up Item Prepack Prepacks Child Items represent the individual items that compose the package of items. Using the Prepack Interface:
  1. Add the individual child items to the prepack parent item: - Enter the child item alternate code in 'child_item_code' field - OR Enter the child item parts in 'child_item_part_a' to 'part_f'
  2. Enter the number of units that are part of the prepack for the item
  3. Enter the total number of units for all items
  4. Enter a sequence number for each item
Prepack Additional Information Item Prepack Prepack information for the following can be specified: pre_pack_weight, pre_pack_volume, pre_pack_length, pre_pack_width, pre_pack_height, pre_pack_std_case_qty, pre_pack_max_case_qty Note: These fields are not required. Using the Prepack Interface:
  1. Add values for fields:
    • pre_pack_weight
    • pre_pack_volume
    • pre_pack_length
    • pre_pack_width
    • pre_pack_height
    • pre_pack_std_case_qty
    • pre_pack_max_case_qty