Putaway Error Messages

During putaway error messages can be displayed to prevent users from putaway to wrong locations or locations that do not have a matching putaway type. These messages can be disabled and also set up to allow the user to proceed with putaway operations regardless of the putaway mismatch.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
Messages: LPN Putaway Type Mismatch Putaway Type Mismatch Messages
Note: Changes made at the 3PL Parent Company level will affect all the client companies. Changes made at the Client Company level will be visible for that company across facilities. The Auto Reject Flag can be set to 'No' to allow the user to accept proceeding with the putaway mismatch The Auto Reject Flag can be set to 'Yes' to always prevent to proceed with putaway when there is a putaway type mismatch
  1. Login at the specific company level
  2. In the 'Messages' UI Module, click on the Search Icon to look for a message - In the 'Text' field enter 'putaway' click 'Search'to display the message(s)
  3. Select the specific putaway message from the results and under the 'Edit Message' Section, enter the new message if required
  4. Under the 'Edit Facility Properties' check/uncheck the 'Enabled' flag to disable/enable the message
  5. Check/Uncheck the 'Auto Reject' flag to allow or prevent users to proceed with the operations 6. Click 'Save' for the changes