Reactive Replenishment

The RF - Reactive Replenishment Transaction is used to trigger a replenishment wave to run for the location scanned. A wave will automatically be run for that location and allocation will occur if needed up to the max units quantity for that location.

Task Description WMS Module Overview/Comments Task Details
RF Reactive Replenishment Screen Configuration UI Module: RF Module: rf.inbound.cwrfreactreplen (Reactive Replenishment) The RF - Reactive Replenishment can be used to trigger replenishment via RF for a specific location without having to run a wave for allocation through UI The parameter 'allow-task-execution' can be set to 'Yes' to allow a user to re-scan the location to execute the replenishment task. 1. In 'Screen Configuration' UI Module, add module: Reactive Replenishment - rf.inbound.cwrfreactreplen 2. Set up parameter 'allow-task-execution' correspondigly